. Ode To *NSYNC
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Here are some pretty cool links I've come across that I thought you'd like to check out for yourself. So many NSYNC sites, so little time!

This is my friend's site. It's a great site and I mooch a lot of pix from it! Go check it out! Great fanfics too!

Check out Chris' independent project, FumanSkeeto. It's got great clothes and a really cool chatroom, The Buzz!

nsyncstudio.com - CLICK HERE!
Awesome site with the latest NSYNC info and pix. Props to Nic for letting me use some of her pix on my site.

Another totally awesome site! Thank you Laura for letting me borrow all your awesome pix and for the NSYNC 411 sites.

You too can mock NSync at 'Everybody's Free (to make fun of NSync)'
Funny ass site! And Brit's in with the guys so it's super fun to read her crap!

Another friend's site. She's got a whacked sense of humor so if you're in the mood for laughing your ass off, go check it out!

If you want me to link you, email me your site and banner info if you have a banner! I just ask that you link me to your site. I finally got banners so you can take your pick. Thanks!

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