. Ode To *NSYNC
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Nickelodeon's Snick House

I haven’t watched Nickelodeon since the days when “You Can’t Do That On Television” used to air, so I guess you could say I’ve been outta the loop for a while now…LOL! So I had never seen Snick House before in my life, but thanks to NSYNC I was able to reminisce about the “good ole days.” I’m realizing that my somewhat new found interest in NSYNC has caused my “inner child” to resurface. Is this something I should embrace? Or perhaps fear. And believe it or not, I ended up watching the whole darn thing! Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cartoon or variety show, but two frickin’ hours! For a total of 7 minutes of NSYNC! The things I do for those guys! LOL!

So right in the beginning they show the guys on this mini basketball court and they are welcomed by the host of Snick House (I think his name was Nick). They all looked good…as usual! They played “The Rugrats” which I’d never seen before. It was cute, for a 5-year-old. Then they showed “The Amanda Show,” which kinda reminded me of “You Can’t Do That On Television” but stupider. Maybe it wasn’t stupider…maybe I’m just getting old...hmmm, naw, it was stupid! Anyways, during the show they went back to the guys and they answered a question, “How long does it take you to learn the dance moves?” And JC said it usually takes 6-8 hours a day for two days, then another two days to clean it up. And the host asked about the new album and Justin described it as “edgier”…gee, do you think they could come up with another adjective? It was cute though when the host was like, “So it’s gonna be off the hook.” Then Justin said, “Yeah, it’s off the hook.” LOL! Ghetto Justy coming out! Hahaha! Then I believe they showed “Eddie McDowd,” which is about this bully who gets turned into a dog and needs to redeem himself in order to become human again. Where do they come up with these concepts? LOL! They showed the guys playing basketball, then signing the basketball. I think Justin was drawing something on it…wonder what it was?

The guys finally performed “Bye, Bye, Bye.” It was actually a very entertaining performance to watch. The area they were dancing in was kinda tiny, so I think JC was having problems trying not to bang into the other guys…namely Justin. It looked like JC made a mistake during the “Bye, Bye, Bye” part (he kinda had his hand out then looked behind him). And during the parts where they sort of slide back and forth you could tell JC was trying not to bang into anyone. He kept smiling and he shook his head, like he knew he kept messing up. It was really cute.

Then Nickelodeon played “All That,” which I guess is suppose to be the modern day “You Can’t Do That On Television.” It was kinda stupid…then again, it could just be my old age. I dunno though, I don’t remember thinking it was stupid way back then. The girl that did the Mandy Moore impression was kinda funny. The highlight of “All That” was the performance by M2M. I think they’re cute, and obviously talented. They played their own instruments and sang “Mirror, Mirror” in an unplugged-esque fashion.

At the end, they brought the guys out one more time and JC was funny. First Chris was picking him up and then Joey was picking him up and bouncing him around. Hmmm JC, I think you better lay off that “crack-caffeine.”


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