. Ode To *NSYNC
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All I have to say; I LOVE MTV!!! So MTV had 2 hours, YES, count them, 2 hours of NSYNC LIVE! It was a really great show! The guys were hilarious! They immediately performed “This I Promise You” which was amazing! I keep saying it, but it’s true…JC makes me wanna cry when I see him perform that song.

They all looked great as usual! Justin had on an AC/DC shirt, which was cool, but I was like, what??? LOL! JC looked good but that silver plastic jacket was a bit vinyl looking LOL! But JC always looks good so…W! hahaha! Joey’s jacket was uhmmm…interesting to say the least. It looked like he got into a huge Clorox accident-lmao! He’s definitely going back to the 80s…someone’s trying to relive their childhood.

In order to be a part of the studio audience, you had to send in a video and they chose the most die-hard fans. So they showed clips of the videos that the fans sent in to be on the show. It was pretty funny. JC said, “Oh we gotta see this.” It was cute. When Dave was talking about the fans he said they were the most die-hard fans and Justin said, “SUPERFANS!” He was really cute saying that. The fans were pretty funny…man, I could just see myself sending in a video. It would probably start with me introducing myself…”Hi. My name is Riki and I’m a 25-year-old NSYNC fan.” hahaha! Yes, I know, I’m getting help for my “condition.” At the end of the video they showed these two guys naked in the mirror and the guys all started laughing and Chris said, “Those guys were naked.” hahaha! Really Chris? Dave asked what the craziest thing a fan did for them and Justin said, “Taking your clothes off is pretty crazy.” He was sooo adorable saying that! Chris said they’ve had fans hanging on the back of the car for blocks…okay, that’s pretty insane!

They showed the guys #10 video, which was Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and they were talking during the video, saying what they liked about it and stuff. Justin said, “For a young kid, he made scary, like, cool.” Joey was saying how he had the same jacket as Michael but the reverse and Lance goes, “yeah he had the K-Mart version.” And at the end Justin said it revolutionized music videos. Which is true. I remember when “Thriller” came out…it was a big deal.

They talked about NSA and the song “Space Cowboy,” which features Lisa “Left-eye” Lopes. JC said she’s a nutcase (in a good way). I guess JC had fun working with her. She seems fun, a little neurotic in a psycho kind of way, but fun…lmao! Sorry to all the “Left-Eye” fans. Dave asked if he was going to be on her solo album and he said maybe, if she asks, he’d love to do it.

Their #9 video was “No Scrubs” by TLC. Dave asked why this video and Justin said, “Chili’s stomach.” That was kinda cute. Basically they were saying that TLC is like a girl version of them, they love to have fun like NSYNC. Actually, NSYNC said that TLC and NSYNC are on the same vibe. Lemme just say it now…what the heck is up with the whole “Vibe” thing? You’d think that was the only vocabulary word they know…hahaha! Okay, I’m done dissin’ them about that.

Dave asked them to describe what NSA is about. Justin said it’s about their freedom and about not being stereotyped. This is the album that will allow them to rise above the stupid “boyband” stigma and get the respect they deserve. But seriously, NSYNC are extremely musically talented and I think people in general don’t give them a chance to show their stuff, which they have a lot of by the way.

They had some fans listen to the CD and comment on it. That girl who was like, “Hi I’m Andrea and I’m gonna be the first eva to listen to the NSYNC CD.” I love her accent…she’s cool! This one girl said she thought the song was about Joey loving her forever…hahaha! That was pretty funny. It must be so weird having girls scream right in their face and yelling “I love you.” They talked about Justin’s song, “I’ll be good for you” and Dave asked if the criticism affects them more when they wrote the song and Justin said they take it more to heart and JC said, “When they say it sucks, it hurts.” Aww poor JC! Well, I think you’re a great songwriter! Justin said the album has something for everyone, which after listening to it, I’d agree. It is definitely a mixed album.

They talked about JC writing for Wild Orchid and he said it’s weird because when he does the demos he’s singing lines like, “I want you boy,” which he said was really weird. After he said that you could hear Justin and Chris laughing and one of them points to him and he kinda giggles. I wish they showed what the other guys were doing when he said that. It must have been pretty funny. They talked about performing at the Oscars, which I’m sooo glad about! Justin said, “I just wanna meet Jennifer Aniston.” I’m sure she won’t see the similarity Juju!

Their #8 pick was “Smooth” by Santana featuring Rob Thomas. When asked why they chose the video, Joey said, “Because he won a lot of Grammy’s.” And Justin said the Grammy’s were all about Santana. They said it was mostly about the record, which I finally bought. I’m an Everlast fan too, just like JC. He was cute saying that (“I’m an Everlast faaann.”). At the end Justin said, “Chicas in the street.” He was adorable saying that and I’m sure all his Latina fans cheered!

They talked about other interests like acting. They showed a clip of Justin in “Model Behavior.” The showed the “Supersize It” skit they did from SNL. It was funny, if you haven’t seen it, you should see it. There’s a clip at mtv.com. They said that their alter egos, No Refund was going to take on 2GE+HER. That was pretty funny…I’d actually like to see that face-off! Hahaha! They talked about Lance hurting himself and Lance was like, yeah that stupid skit. And JC kept saying Lance fell off the stage…poor Lance. At the end, Justin said, he toughed it out and made it through…yay Lance! You’re such a trooper! Then they showed stuff from MMC and Justin yelled, “NO! NO!” He was pretty funny. You can so tell that he is so embarrassed by his MMC days. C’mon Justy, don’t be ashamed of MMC…it got you where you are today! It was a pretty funny though. Actually, I think it was more embarrassing for JC since he had a bigger acting part in that. It was the sketch where Justin and Britney are together at a movie and JC is in the back being loud and obnoxious and Justin shoots him with a tranquilizer dart to keep him quiet. JC was funny looking at the clip because he had this really serious face, then he kinda looked confused. I wonder what he was thinking. At the end of the clip Chris said, “I thought Britney was the best” and Lance said, “Did you see how little Britney Spears was.” Justin was pretty funny when Chris said Brit was the best ‘cuz he was like, “Aww, no man, did you see my (and he made the shooting noises).” I thought JC was the best in that sketch actually. Hahaha! Chris kept shaking his leg…it was kinda distracting. Anyways, they showed a clip of “Model Behavior” with Justin and after the skit JC said, “You seem so sensitive” and Justin said, “It’s just acting, man.” The funniest was showing Lance’s clip of “7th Heaven.” Before they showed the clip, Justin said, “You mean the make out session.” Hahaha! They kept showing Lance during the clip and he looked embarrassed, but the funniest part was when he did the whole movie thing trying to put his arm around the girl all casual-like. He started laughing and the other guys jumped up off their chairs and started yelling at the screen, “Kiss her! Kiss her!” hahaha! That was hilarious! Poor Lance…always getting teased by the guys! At least he got some action, more than any of the other 3 guys (minus Justin) can say! And JC was teasing him about the whole “movie arms move” and Chris said, “They learn that in Mississippi.” Hahaha!

Their #7 video was “You Got to Fight for Your Right to Party” by the Beastie Boys. And they were talking about the video and JC said, “Well, you know, I was dope illy fresh.” Hahaha! Yeah JC! And Chris said, it was JC’s “thug appeal.” I think JC will never live down the whole “thug appeal” image. They were asked a few questions like, how do they keep up with the personal, acting and musical careers and Lance said it’s easy to do side projects when you have a week off and Justin said that he was in Toronto filming for 2 weeks and he shot for 7 days and that was so much easier than an NSYNC schedule. I can imagine! She also asked what song was their favorite to make on the new CD and Lance said “It Makes Me Ill” and JC said “I Thought She Knew.” They also talked about the movie they are making with Tom Hanks’ production company, Playtone Productions, which they will be filming in August. I hope they film it in LA and that it premieres in Westwood! Dave said that they could call in and ask their favorite “N Sync-er” their question and Chris goes, “N Sync-er,” and Dave kinda shoves it in Chris’ face by saying “N Sync-er” again and Chris goes, “Good one Dave.” You could feel the tension in the air…it was a little funny, but I think the MTV VJs probably like Chris the least ‘cuz his wit is prolly too much for them…hahaha!

Their #6 video was “Don’t Speak” by No Doubt (obviously Chris’ choice). Lance said, “It’s all Chris.” It was kinda funny/weird during this video because Joey was like, it reminds me of our photoshoot because they are always putting Justin up front. Someone, I think JC said, “Joey’s Bitter Betty.” Joey was like, “I wanna be up front sometimes.” And Dave said he could see Justin holding the orange like Gwen does in the video and JC said softly, “Do you know how many oranges we’re going to get in the mail now?” I can imagine it’s crazy like that. They mention one thing in public and they get boxes of the stuff in the mail…hahaha! Poor guys! Anyways, Justin was like, “Whatever.” Aww, Justin…can’t handle the pressure? It was a little awkward because it’s the whole Justin Primadonna thing…makes you wonder how the guys really feel about all that stuff. Things that make me go…hmmm. LOL! Then Chris was telling Dave to shut-up and they were all like, “Let Chris have his moment.” JC said, “Okay, harness your chi,” where did that come from? A member of the audience asked where did they think they would be 20 years from now and they said older…duh! Joey started singing “TUMH” in an old man voice, which was really funny! One point for Joey! He is funny…he really is funny! Lmfao! Justin started saying that they don’t even know where the music is going to take them in 3 years, but the important thing is that they evolve with their fans and we can all grow up together. Yeah…W! hahaha! I wonder how long it took them to come up with that…hehehe!

Their #5 video was Busta Rhyme’s “Woo Hah Got You All in Check.” I’ve never seen this video before and I guess it’s because it came out before I became all ghetto like dat…lmao! Justin was talking about how this song would make everyone go crazy in the clubs when they first played it and he looked so cute saying, “Woo Hah! Woo Hah!” They talked about Chris’ Fuman Skeeto clothing line and they showed his website. Chris goes, “That’s scary.” He was talking about the china doll graphic he has up on his site right now. I like it. I love all the graphics…HUGE PROPS TO DAVE FOR HIS AWESOME GRAPHICS! My favorite is the two koi fish and the Fuman Skeeto symbol in the middle.

Then they talked about the guys’ fashion. They showed pictures of the guys during their various fashion frenzies. It was pretty funny. They showed the guys in their silk pajamas for the “IDMC” video, and they showed Chris in the “TUMH” video and Chris yelled, “Oh no! Not that shirt!” It was pretty funny, and Dave goes, “This is your ‘Pimpin’ ain’t easy’ look,” and you can hear Justin in the back say “Pimpin’ ain’t easy.” They showed Justin in his white wifebeater. His comment was, “That was my 15-year-old porn shot.” Whoo hoo, Justin the pornstar! I’m sure that would be a site to see. Okay…I’ll stop myself now…I know I have to watch myself with Justin. They showed Lance in his wet suit for the jet skiing scene and someone said, “Lance Hasselhoff.” They showed Chris with his headband on for “HWG” video, and Chris was like, “That’s when I thought I was cool; It didn’t work.” They showed Joey’s hair in the “TUMH” video and they all said, “Howdy Doodie.” Dave was kinda funny when he said, “He never knew that Joey used to be David Schwimmer.” That was pretty funny. They showed Chris’ hair and Joey goes, “Pineapple Head.” Well, all I have to say is “Thank you Chris for cutting off those braids!”

Their #4 video was themselves; their video, “Bye, Bye, Bye.” Yeah, their not too egocentric…hahaha! They said they picked this video because it was the most fun they had filming a video and Lance said, “We picked the video because of Kim Smith.” And they were all like, “Yeah, she’s hot.” Lance talked about the Senseless Acts of Video where they do these crazy stunts from videos. I actually saw that one. He almost missed the whole train and he dropped right at the end of it. Close call. The started talking about the rotating room and that made them disoriented for days after. One of the funniest parts of the whole show was when Dave goes, “Okay, shh, shh, shh, my favorite part,” which was when Justin drops down in the elevator shaft and chuckles. Well, Justin caught the joke like 2 seconds after and started laughing. It was hilarious!!! Okay, I don’t really like Dave much ‘cuz he’s such a smart-ass but he was frickin’ funny when he said that!

Their #3 video was Lauryn Hill’s “Doo Wop.” That is a pretty cool video, and you know they have to pay homage to Miss Hill. In the middle of the conversation Justin interrupts saying, “Thalia is getting down,” and Chris goes, “Aww, she got busted.” That was kinda cute. Thalia seems very cool. They talked about the Fugees going solo and Dave asked if they were and Chris goes, “Join the Fugees?” and Dave said, “yeah.” Chris’ wit is too much sometimes. So it was the whole are you going solo question and they said they are only on their second album, so they are concentrating on NSYNC. They talked about their upcoming tour, which Lance said starts on May 9th in Biloxi, MS. Justin was like, “Y’all are not ready for this show.” JC said it is bigger. I can’t wait to see it…and I got tickets…Yay! Lance said, “This tour is gonna be off the hook.” Uhmmm, Lance, did you just say off the hook? Hahaha! Too funny! They were asked a question about how much younger a fan should be before you would date them (6-8 years younger), and Joey said they have to be at least 18 for legal reasons. Hahaha! I can’t believe Joey said that! Okay, now I wanna know if it’s okay for them to be 6-8 years older? Hahaha! Justin started singing, “Age ain’t nuttin’ but a number.” He sounded cute. They basically said age is not that important if you have chemistry with a person you know. Then Dave said, “All the 12-year-olds think they are in now.” That was pretty funny.

Their #2 video was “Forgot about Dre” by Dr. Dre featuring Eminem. Justin said that this video is Dr. Dre’s “What?!?” and he said that he thought Eminem was an extremely talented rapper. I didn’t know they thought so highly of Eminem.

They next had an NSYNC trivia where they asked the guys questions about each other. They picked numbers and the audience member with that number got paired with that NSYNC member. Lance’s partner was freaking out. It was funny. I can’t blame her. It’s pretty surreal seeing the guys up close like that. During the commercial break Dave said that Lance’s partner, Nicole, was hyperventilating and they had to tranquilize her…aww Dave…be nice! When she said her name, Dave was like, “I’ve never seen anything like you Nicole.” She was shaking…poor girl! Joey was asked the first question and he got it right (Justin’s favorite dessert-Grandma’s peach cobbler) and his partner cut his string and the puppet’s hand fell right by the crotch and they all started laughing. Joey said, “Just like an Italian,” and someone else said, “Hold the pickle.” Nasty! They had young people in the audience. Hahaha! They teased JC’s puppet ‘cuz it had a big butt, which is so ironic since he’s the only member without one…hahaha! JC was asked who Justin’s sports hero was, which apparently was obvious because JC goes, “Aww c’mon.” It was Michael Jordan. JC was like, he kept talking about it for weeks and Chris said that he still talks about it and he hasn’t washed his hands…hahaha! Justin was pretty cute though. He said that him and Nicole looked exactly the same when he saw Michael Jordan for the first time at a club in LA. He started singing “Dream weaver, I believe…” he sounded sooo cute! Lance was asked who was afraid of heights, which he said was Chris. Then they started talking about Chris’ fear of heights and Dave asked how he could fall on the train for the “BBB” video and Joey and Chris demonstrated how they fell on the train (which was just jumping up and down). Then they were talking about the show and Chris was like he would get so scared in the beginning. He even did a little demo of him in the rafters yelling, “Start the show! I don’t care if the lights are on…Start the show!” That was pretty funny. But the funniest part was when Lance started telling a story about their first time in NYC and they went to the Empire State Building and Chris goes, “Okay, shut up!” Lance kept telling the story and you could hear Chris say, “Lance!” That was hilarious! Then Chris was like, “Okay, let’s see how we can make fun of Chris some more.” And Justin comforted Chris saying that they were done teasing Chris.” It was pretty funny! They asked who’s favorite comedian was Howie Mandel and Chris was like, “God, I dunno,” then Justin made the Bobby voice and Chris said, “Oh that’s a hint so I’m gonna say Joey.” They talked about seeing Howie Mandel in Hawaii. Man! I wish I knew about Joey’s Howie fetish ‘cuz I was actually gonna go to the show with my mom. They asked Justin who is afraid of flying and Justin said, “Can I phone a friend?” He looked so cute saying that, then he asked the guys which one of them is afraid of flying and he was like, “Yeah, like that’ll work.” He said Chris, which was wrong and Joey said, “I think it’s JC,” and Dave said it was Lance and Lance was like, “Oh it’s me?” They were talking about fear of flying and Lance and Justin said don’t go see “Final Destination” if you’re afraid of flying (they went to see it the night before). I have to go see that movie; I actually like Kerr Smith. Lance was cute when he was talking about his fear of flights. He was like, “That’s why I don’t like to fly; in the beginning it’s fun, but the more you fly, it’s like, your chances get slimmer.” That was cute. Well, I pray nothing ever happens to them; that would be a serious tragedy! Chris was talking about not saying anything dumb because it may be their last words, which kinda brought down the whole audience and then Chris said, “Wait! Did you hear about them teasing me? That was pretty sad.” Hahaha! That was pretty funny! Joey got the last question right and when his puppet fell to the ground all the other guys stood up and started kicking it and beating it up…awww, don’t be beating on Joey! He was cute making this sad face. Justin kept looking at the puppet and then Joey said, “I have a bubble wrap butt,” and Justin repeated, “Bubble wrap butt.”

Their #1 video was Lenny Kravtiz’ “Fly Away.” I like what Lance said about Lenny, he was like, “Lenny Kravitz’ music appeals to all generations.” I agree. That song was definitely the song of the summer 1999. During the video one of the girls in the video took off her top and Joey was like, “I don’t remember that.” Gee, that’s odd, I would have thought Joe would’ve been the first too see that! They had a question about their home video, which Lance said they are still working on and it will have footage from their first gig and a lot of behind the scenes footage so we can see them growing up. Sounds like a great video. They don’t know when it will be released, but Lance said it will probably be released with the tour. They had another question from this girl from Tennessee and Justin was so cute. She was talking and Justin was like, “Listen, you can totally tell she’s from Tennessee. Talk girl.” Then she started asking her question (with a heavy Southern accent), and everyone started laughing. She basically asked if they go out in public in disguise and if so are they recognized. At the end Dave said in a Southern accent, “So basically, do you guys disguise?” and Justin goes, “Don’t make fun of my heritage.” That was funny. They were asked about their charity event and Lance said it (Challenge for the Children) will be a three day weekend event and it will be held in NYC or Orlando (Damn them! What about LA?). It will most likely have basketball, softball and ice hockey. Justin talked about his charity, The Justin Timberlake Foundation, which is raising money to keep music and the arts in general in the schools. Props to Justin for his philanthropy.

Finally, they performed “BBB” which was amazing as always. At the end Justin was like, “Okay, you guys sing,” and someone said “It’s ‘Say What Karaoke’.” They showed the guys shaking hands with the audience, and JC gave someone a hug. I always see JC giving an someone a hug…he’s such a sweetie! He’s definitely the one who loves to get up close to the fans, like when he jumped into the audience during TRL Superbowl. It was a great 2 hours and of course my only complaint is that I wanted to see more NSYNC…hahaha! Oh-well.


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