. Ode To *NSYNC
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Academy Awards "Oscars"

I ended up watching three different stations that were covering the Red Carpet arrivals so I wouldn’t miss anything…LOL! So the first channel they were on was ABC and the interviewer asked them something about how the fans were usually only screaming for them and now they were screaming for everyone else and how did they feel about it. How rude! But the boys were gracious as always and JC said, “We’re fans ourselves, we’re movie buffs so we’re kinda freaking out every time someone walks by. That’s Sam Jackson, y’all!” It was cute! Then the interviewer immediately went to Thora Birch from “American Beauty” and kinda left the guys hanging. The guys kinda looked like they didn’t know what to do next. That was kinda rude of the interviewer, again! They all looked good but JC and Joey looked like they were wearing the same thing…wassup with that? Hahaha!

The guys were interviewed by Joan Rivers, the fashion test of all tests! When they came up to her she said, "I have all your records"…hahaha! She told them they looked too conservative. Lance asked her if navy and black go together and she said yes. Then she said, “I was in NY last week and you were at 42nd and Broadway, and stopped everything dead.” Then Lance said that NY was crazy last week for them because of the new release of the album. She asked if they could go out in public nowadays and Justin said, “We just dress conservative and nobody recognizes us.” She asked who did their hair and Lance said "We do," then he said, "No Monica." Chris said, “No, we have a hairdresser, Monica and she’d kill us if we didn’t say her name.” Then Joan asked if there were any other names they wanted to say and Chris goes, “I want to say Justin’s name, Justin.” That was pretty funny! In the back you could see Dani, Bobbi, Lynn and Diane.

Finally, they appeared on channel 5 and the interviewers asked if it was overwhelming and they said yes. Then they asked if there was anyone in particular they would like to meet and Joey said he just met Ashley Judd. He was like, “I just met Ashley Judd, that was nice…that was nice.” Lance said he wanted to meet Julia Roberts and JC said he wouldn’t mind hanging out with Harrison Ford or Brad Pitt. They said they were starting their tour in May and the interviewers said they looked forward to their performance, which I thought was sweet.

For the Oscar performance it was kind of like individual medleys (LOL)…I know that’s a contradiction. They each did short segments from the five nominated songs one right after the other. It started with them sitting on stairs and Justin sang the beginning of his part, then the stairs separated and Gloria came out from behind the stairs. It was a pretty cool effect. They sounded okay, a little off at times. I dunno, maybe they were a little nervous. They looked okay. They were all wearing light suits and Gloria was in a white dress. I thought if they wanted that effect, they should have worn something like the white suits from the “GMHS” video. JC and Chris had their shirts unbuttoned at the top and weren’t wearing ties, which I thought made them look messy. The colors they were wearing weren't really working for me either. I thought Justin and Lance looked the best.

I saw the interview of them on Access Hollywood and I can’t believe Mary Hart asked Justin where Britney was. Then she said something about the two of them being a love item and he was like, “We’re just friends.” Poor Justin. I feel bad for the other guys too because they were all there as NSYNC performing at the Academy Awards and all the attention is about Justin and Britney. How rude!

So that was it. Everyone at my work knows I like NSYNC, so that Monday after the show, they were all like, “Did you see NSYNC at the Oscars?” I was like, “Really? They were at the Oscars?” I’m just kidding. Well, that’s it for my review.

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