. Ode To *NSYNC
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The Rosie O'Donnell Show

The guys immediately performed “BBB” which was great! Lance was still hopping a little. I guess I’ll find out personally if he’s 100% better at Leno…YAY! They all looked great! Okay, so I’m biased…just a little. Justin had something hanging off his pants or something. That was really distracting! All I could see was Justin’s butt! Hahaha! Okay so I may be using that as an excuse to look at his butt…so what! Sue me! Hahaha! His pants were uhmm, different. It looked like he had a bunch of fans write on it. What was up with Joey’s jacket? I think the wardrobe people should immediately remove anything furry from their wardrobe selection because you know Joey’s gonna pick it, and end up looking like a fashion victim. JC’s abs kept showing when he was jumping up and down…YIPEE! That was uhh, the highlight of the performance…oh yeah, that and Justin’s butt! Don’t be saying anything ‘cuz I know you were looking too! Lmfao!

During the whole interview Chris kept shaking his legs…man, that boy needs to stop borrowing JC’s crack-caffeine. They talked about NSYNC covering the Grammy’s for Rosie and they said they did a great job except for missing the whole Whitney interview. That was funny. She asked them what happened and Lance said they didn’t know they were going to interview her so soon and they were all separated. I think Chris said it was Melinda’s fault. Poor Melinda. She asked if it was hard and Justin was like no not really, “We’re hams.” Hahaha! So they finally admit that it’s not just Joey! It was kinda cute when they said that the Fire Marshall asked them to move because they were causing a danger and Rosie said, “Yeah, I’m sure you cause a danger wherever you go.”

They talked about the Oscars and Chris was funny when he was saying they are going to do an 8 minute song in a minute and a half.

She showed their pictures for TV Guide, which they signed and she put up on eBay. AAAHHH!!! I can’t wait for that issue of TV Guide to come out now! The cashier will think I’m nuts buying 5 copies of TV Guide! I love the pix of them! It’s all freaky lookin’ but supa cool! Joey has long hair and a red cowboy hat on and he’s got a silver tear by his eye. He looks good! Chris looks evil…my friend says “Goth” but I say evil…hahaha! He’s got black eyeliner all around his eyes and the angle of the camera makes his chin look pointed and his forehead look really wide. He looks cool but scary. Lance has this black silver graphic thing by his right eye and his make up looks cool. His clothes are okay. He’s got a black shirt and a blue collared shirt over it. JC looks the most plain, no make up at all and he’s wearing a baseball cap. He looks good but a little too plain. They could have made him look so funky…oh-well. He looks like the All-American boy (it kinda looks like he has freckles). Justin! Oh my goodness! My friend calls him the “Flamin’ Cowboy.” I love the way he looks in that pic! He’s got silver glitter over one eyelid and he’s wearing this mesh tank top and white leather pants with flames along the side and white cowboy boots with flames on them. He looks funky-cool! I LOVE IT! Can’t wait to get my issues!

They talked about the $1100 French toast. Justin was like, “Let’s not talk about it.” They said that Z100 auctioned it off as a joke but it wasn’t anyone’s French toast. Chris was like, “Now we can’t leave anywhere without throwing everything out first.” Poor guys! The price they pay for being teen icons. The girl who paid $1100 for the French toast got tickets and backstage passes to their show. I think that was really cool of them to do that. I was thinking about wishing to be that girl, but after second thoughts, I sooo would not want to be known as the girl who paid $1100 for old French toast.

She mentioned reviews for their new record, which were saying that this new album is going to have more adults looking at the guys more seriously. I like their response to stuff like that. Justin was like, “We just do what we do and hope that people like it.” It’s a great answer.

They talked about the “BBB” video and Joey ripping the crotch of his pants during the filming of that. Joey said something like, “My butt’s getting huge. I eat a lot of snacky cakes.” Poor Joey. There’s a picture in the Teen Magazine featuring NSYNC on the cover with Joey eating Doritos and the wardrobe lady coloring in the rip with Joey still in the pants!

Since Rosie’s birthday was the next day, the guys sang “Happy Birthday” to her. They sounded really good! They sang the traditional “Happy Birthday” then sang an upbeat version, which Lance started…YAY! At the end she gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Chris looked a little surprised. Justin and JC looked like they were waiting for her kiss and Joey kinda stopped singing when she kissed him and she looked like she was squeezing Lance’s face when she kissed him. Too cute!

So that was it for them on Rosie. I hope they go back on her show soon for another Hour of NSYNC. I love Rosie ‘cuz she loves our guys! They are so cute too when they’re on Rosie. You can tell they are friends with her.

MTV TRL (3.21.00)

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