. Ode To *NSYNC
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MTV's Spring Break Dedications

It started with them all giving their “Whaaazzzuuuppp!” thing. I do it but I don’t get it…lmao! They said they were in their hotel room taking a break from all the craziness on the beach in Cancun. Yeah right! They were freezing their asses off in some MTV studio in NYC I’m sure!

The first dedication was “What a Girl Wants” by Christina Aguilera and after the song Chris said, “How come nobody asks what a guy wants?” and Justin goes, “What a girl wants and what a girl needs…two totally different things!” Hey Justin…what you trying to say? Hahaha! And Joey goes, “If you asked all the girls in Cancun what they want you’ll get a million different answers, but if you ask all the guys…” and Justin interrupted saying, “One thang!” Then Joey goes, “You know what they want, just one thing.” Hmmm, ya know what that says about the five of you right? LOL!

The next dedication was Sisqo’s “Thong Song” and Joey did a fake dedication in that song. It was pretty funny, he was acting like some surfer dude on weed…hahaha! “Yo wassup? I’m Brian and I’m from…FSU, and I want to dedicate that Sisqo’s song, that thong thing, that goes in the thing. That’s a cool song ‘cuz there’s a lot girls on the beach that got thongs.” Great acting Joey! After the video Chris goes, “That’s what I’m talking about…neon thongs!” Then he asked “What is dumps like a truck?” and Justin said, “A big ole booty.” They asked about his silver hair and Joey goes, “The hair I like, I just wish I was in that video.” Yeah, we know Joe!

The next dedication was “Ex-girlfriend” by No Doubt. After the video you could hear Justin singing and he sounded really cute and Chris said, “Listen to Gwen. When Gwen whines, you listen.” Then he said something like “No doubt about it,” and Lance started laughing and repeated Chris. It was cute.

NSYNC’s “Bye, Bye, Bye” was dedicated to a lot of people trying to get rid of their boyfriends and girlfriends. At the end Joey was eating chips and saying, “I want everyone to know, we did our own stunts…we did them.” And JC’s like, “Yeah, whatever, anyways…” hahaha! JC commented on the three guys who dumped their girlfriends back home right in the dedication. He was like, “How cold was that? What you gonna do when you go home?” Lance was in the back and he said, “They’re going to blame NSYNC now.” Aww guys! Chris set up the next song before the commercial break by saying the guy dedicating the next song only has one girl in his heart and it’s safe to say that he’s gonna get some lovin’ when he goes home.

The next dedication was “Be With You” by Enrique Iglesias. After that song Joey said, “Now that’s a really good song if you want to seduce a girl.” Chris was sleeping the whole time and they were all like, “Shannon Elizabeth. I’m like, ‘whoa!’”

Destiny’s Child’s “Bugaboo” was dedicated to a bunch of frat boys at USC and after the song Chris was looking through a dictionary and said, “Bugaboo is a real word.” Lance asked what it meant and he said to be a bother, then Lance asked if it said anything about pagers. Then Lance asked if that was Kobe Bryant in the video and Justin said yeah that was Kobe and Chris picked up the dictionary and said, “Let me look it up.” Hahaha! That was pretty funny.

When they came back from commercial they had wood poles with limes at the end and they were all singing “The Hokey Pokey.” Okay, mental image alone cracks me up! That’s worst that singing “Cumbaya.” Joey introduced the next video and while he was doing that Chris shoved the lime in his face and Joey was going to bite it, then said, “I’ll get it later.” That was funny and the other guys all started laughing. Joey told the guys to say hi to the families back home and Justin repeated him exactly (LOL) and Lance said, “I love it, I love it, I hate it!” He was cute, but I didn’t get it. Oh-well. At the end Joey bites the lime and then spits it out. Eww! And Justin said, “He’s bobbing for limes.”

The next video dedication was Mandy Moore’s “Candy” and after the video Justin said, “I’m gonna go out on a limb and say some of these Spring Breakers cheated on their sweethearts and grabbed some other “candy”…get it? Candy!” That was cute and Lance goes, “I get it!” hahaha…dorks! Love them though!

JC was talking about how everyone has woken up in some strangers hotel room after a hard night of partying, and that it is all a part of Spring Break fun and we should all go out and live the crazy life, at least for a week. Then they played Ricky Martin’s “Livin’ La Vida Loca” and during the video they were showing the guys standing on the bed singing and acting all crazy. It was cute and Justin sounded really good singing the song! Justin also made a dedication in this song, “Hi. My name is Herman, man, and I’m, uhh, and I’m dedicating ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca’ to all the people at UT. I don’t even know what it means, man, but it sounds cool and it’s Ricky Martin so play the video. Hi Rachel.” What a dork! Hahaha! After the video Lance sets up the next video by saying, “This next dedication goes out to a pool side babe in a desperate plea for pure animal sex!” That was pretty funny, and after Lance said “sex” Justin sat up straight and said, “Whoa.” Right before commercial break, Joey said he had to go to the bathroom and he was carrying the Rollingstone magazine with them on the cover.

They played Blaque’s “Bring It All To Me” and there was no mention of JC’s solo or missing solo as the case was, or his “thug appeal.” The last dedication was The Bloodhound Gang or whatever’s “Bad Touch.” And Chris said, “Let’s see how many people are brave enough to admit on national TV that they want to do it like mammals.” During the video they showed Justin singing the song and then they showed some freaky thing where Chris had a chair and the wood stick and was yelling at Joey to back off. That was pretty funny. After the song JC said they’ve covered it all and he wanted to get out and go scuba diving or something. It ended with JC jumping on the bed. Didn’t his mommy teach him better? LOL!

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