. Ode To *NSYNC
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Teen Magazine

Look! It's a Justy sandwich with some Lance and JC on the side! hahaha!

It's a bird, no it's a plane, no...it's, it's SUPERFAN! lmfao!

Uhmmm, your fly's unbuttoned. hehehe! They look really good.

"Look at my muscles man! I can bench press 80 (hahaha)."

The boys know how to kick back and "chill-out."

Those are just too funny! JC gots some muscles now! hahaha!

Oh yeah! They're lookin' white HOTT!

Whoa! Justin's giving me that look again! Stop it already, you got me!

They've given a whole new meaning to the color orange...yummay! hahaha!

The asymmetry makes it look like Chris was punished and is facing the right wall.

For some reason Chris looks like a mannequin in the pic.


Joey needs that shirt to remind him that he's from Brooklyn, ya know they're forgetful sometimes.

That's kind of a cute pic of Joey. He looks like he's waiting to be ID-ed in a suspect lineup or something. He's innocent I tell ya!

Awww, now doesn't he look cute. He's got a nice smile.

He looks like a little boy standing like that.

Lance was in the same lineup as Joey...but he looks really cute.

What you lookin' at? It wasn't me. I promise.

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