. Ode To *NSYNC
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The View

Although it was aired on March 30th you could tell it was filmed before the release of the album. They came out one by one. The first question that Lisa asked them was if they were dating anyone and Chris immediately said, “No comment.” Lance said he was single. Chris said he might say something that will incriminate him later. Justin said he’s dating a lot of people and Star asked if she knew this and he was like, “She does now…sorry.” That was cute. Joey said there is someone he sees when he’s in Florida, but he dates around too and there isn’t anyone serious. JC said that it’s hard to have a serious relationship when you’re not in the same place for very long. Whew…one bullet dodged…lmfao! They asked, if they had 8 minutes with a girl what kinds of questions would they ask (they talked about this dating service that gave you 8 minutes to ask as many questions, then the date was done and you went on to the next person). Lance said he agreed with Star and would ask family questions because the way a person is with their family tells you a lot about them. Justin said he’d ask questions about her spirituality because he’s a spiritual person. JC said he’d ask if she liked sleep because he likes to sleep and Joey said, then you should ask if she snores. Star stated a rumor she heard about them: Chris was married and had 3 daughters and Lance’s favorite hobby was babysitting Chris’ three daughters. Then Chris went into how the rumor was started and now he can’t joke. LOL! Lance said he babysits Chris’ dogs. Then they asked what the craziest rumor they heard about themselves and Justin said there was a rumor that they were in a plane crash, then he goes, “That was dark, sorry.” They then performed “BBB.” They sounded a little funny, but I think it had to do with the sound system and acoustics.

They were asked what distinguishes them from other “boybands” and Justin said their realness. He also said they do it for the music and not for some commercial, marketing profits. They asked if there was any competition between them and JC thought she meant between NSYNC and other boybands and she meant between each other. JC said, “Yeah we get along. We’re best friends.” You could tell when he said it, that he really meant it because it seemed like he wasn’t even thinking about what he said and it just came out. Joey said yeah we fight about Lance having a cuter dog than him (Joey), and Justin said, “Well, your dog is pretty ugly.” Hahaha! Poor dog! :oP JC said if they didn’t have everyone in the group, there wouldn’t be the magic that they have. Very nicely said JC…sincere, honest and sweet! Another question asked was why they don’t get to hear Lance and Joey and Lance said that he’s bass so it’s hard for him to hit the high notes. Joey was funny pretending that his mic wasn’t working. Then Joey said the same thing, he has a pretty low voice so, there weren’t many solos for him. Justin commented that without them (Lance and Joey), the sound wouldn’t be as full as it is so they are definitely there. A member of the audience asked if there were any rituals or superstitions, then asked at the end if she could get a hug. Justin said, “She snuck that in.” Chris started answering the question, then asked Justin if he was going to go over there and hug her so he could finish the question. So Justin went over and hugged her. That was sweet of him. The girl kinda freaked out and she was so excited. Chris said, “I’ve hugged him before and it never did that to me.” Hahaha! He finally answered the question and said they hacky, give each other hugs then they do a group team, which is suppose to squash any bad feelings they have, so they can do their best for the show because it was all about the performance. He was like, “We’re like brothers so we fight a lot, well, not a lot, but we do fight a lot…okay, we fight a lot.” That was really funny! Someone from the audience asked if they wear boxers, briefs or nothing at all. Dumb question! Joey answered “Boxer-briefs,” then said, “why?” Lance said boxer-briefs, Justin said boxers unless he’s performing, then boxer-briefs, JC said sports shorts and Chris said, “What’s underwear?” Classic Chris! They were asked how they thought the boyband image would effect them if they decide to do solo careers. JC said that they don’t really think about it. He said the good groups stick around and brought up the fact that 5 years ago grunge was in, but now that it’s not you still see Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chili Peppers doing albums. Lance commented that the Beatles were considered a boyband and broke the stereotypes by growing up with their fans and they were going to do the same. An audience member asked who’s the biggest troublemaker and what do they do. They all said nothing but pointed to Chris. Chris said they always blame him for things even when it’s not his fault. Aw, poor Chris. The last question asked was if they would consider having a girl in the band and Joey said probably not for NSYNC since they are already set, but he doesn’t see why other groups can’t have boys and girls in it. Chris was like, “We’re not against girls, we love girls.” The performed “TIPY” (short version) and that was the end. They all looked really good!

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