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 12/28/02- Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope all of you are having a safe and fun holiday season this year. Recently, I chatted with the owner of the promo team and we are in works of possibly coming up with a contest for you guys. Over the break, I will try to update things as much as I can but I still need your help very much! This site is for you. You guys are his fans. Here at we have a different mission. Sure we're here to help support B as much as we can, but we're also here to have a good time in each other's presence and goof off. That's why there's plenty of fan interaction pages. I just need help with it. I'd really appreciate it if you could stand up and help me out with these features. This is all for you. I want the fans to enjoy this site to its fullest extent. I do this for you. Okay, now that I've rambled..check out the updates below to see the progress of new features and such. I will chat with you again soon so if I don't see you b4 New Years..Happy New Year! and have a safe but crazy night :)

 12/12/02- Great news! We have a new affiliate! Their site is called Upcoming Artists. They are also site of the week for this week. Keep sending in those links for your site to be considered as site of the week! Also, make sure to send in your fanshtuff and girlfriend of the month entries. I will choose the next winner for January on the 24th of December as scheduled.

 12/05/02- What's up guys? Hope all is well and those who have snow go out and enjoy it before it melts! I just received some really great news from Art, "Brandon got a Dancing gig in the new movie "American Idol" He's working in LA right now on the movie and will be there until Christmas, then he will be going to Florida until Feb for the rest of the shooting!" Congrats go out to B for scoring the role!


12/28/02- Updated SOTW, posted two holiday banners of Brandon, and posted two new buddy icons for aim, will post GOTM shortly

This is a brand new feature! Send me a link to your site and you may be chosen as site of the week! This weeks' winner is Brandon Henschel's Official Site  Congratulations! Here's a banner from the site that links to the real deal so much sure to click your mouse on it to visit a really neato site about the one and only Brandon Henschel.

Copyright © 2000-2002 Julie Wagoner. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.