
:::: p r e s e n t s ::::
I am one of God's unique and multifaceted creations of Wisdom and Love.
When an actor or actress plays a recurring role for a number of years, some people may think of that person as the character he or she protrays rather than as an artist creating an image.
Although I have many roles - spouse, parent, sibling, or friend - some may think of me as an expression of just one facet of my being.
But I am more than any role, I am a unique and multifaceted creation of GOD.
I am not limited by another person's opinion of me. Guided and inspired by GOD, I have an indomitable spirit and a personality distinctly my own.
I am a divine creation.
Each day I am growing and learning, and I have the capacity to change those things about myself that need improving.
GOD has created me to be a versatile expression of divine wisdom and love!
.....the Bible Says...
"GOD's temple is holy, and you are that
temple."---I Cor 3:17
[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®-2002]
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