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*~*Point Break Clubs*~*

Check out these cool Point Break clubs
To enjoy these clubs you have got to log into Yahoo first
To do that you need to go to and get yourself a yahoo id
When you have done that there are a lot of clubs for you to enjoy
*~*Point Break Rock *~*Cool Point Break *~*The First Declan Bennett club*~*
*~*Sexee Dec Point Break *~*Point Break Fans 15 plus *~*
*~*Kat Geordie Fish Club *~*Ollie Rocky Bar*~*
*~*Louises Brett Adams club *~*PB luvas *~*PB fans *~*Nuty Nut house*~*
*~*PB rule *~*PJ and duncan *~*PB 2k *~*Decs angels*~*
*~*Ollies angels *~*Bretts angels *~*PB uk *~*brettz bedroom*~*
*~*The anyone welcome club *~*PB chat *~*We love Ollie PB *~*Alcholics*~*
*~*PB real fans club *~*Breaker Babes 2 *~*PB paradise *~*
*~*Back to Headquaters*~*