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These are the people who are rude, mean, careless, self-absorbed, or just plain stupid. These people are insults to the human race, and heres the whole story!

Tim Marquis

On the jobsite, he's sitting in a second floor rough opening for a window, and he says something like, "Hmm, I wonder how far I can lean out before I FALLLLLLLLL" Crash! Later on in the year-He was playing with two grooved boards, one fit on top of the other, and he was holding the bottom one, pushing it away from him, then pulling it in, so the top one rocked back and forth. Suddenly he shoves the bottom board forward, and the top one smacked him full force in the face. He's the one person who could get away with beating himself up with a board.

Later on in Health Class, we're talking about physical abuse, using 5 examples. Erics example was a blind woman. We were talking about how we can help them without taking their control away. Eric says "Well, If I was her, I could call 911, but I'm blind I can't find the phone." Ryan goes "She's blind, how would she know who her abuser was, for all she knows it could be the family dog!" Eric goes "911 will have to call me!" And Tim buts in in a confused voice, "If she's blind how would she know the phones ringing?" We make fun of him for the rest of class, like Eric saying "Whats sound does the color red make?" Tim was like-uhhh.

Later on this year-he takes a dead baby bird that fell out of its nest, decapitates it, bangs a nail through its beak, and taking a piece of flashing as an ax, chops the body in half, and thinks it's the funniest thing he's seen in his life. He stalled a standard car he was test driving out more than 4 times and he only made it 100 yards before being told to get out by its owner.

Oh, and I forgot the time he nearly burned himself to death-It was raining hard outside the jobsite, and we couldn't stay in shop or we'd get in the way of the sophomores, so we're all inside, bored outta our behinds, and he decided to take the fiberglass tape that keeps the window jambs from spreading and tie Duffy, Lingren, Eric, and Tim's wrists behind their back. Actually we knew tim wouldn't get out on his own but he insisted he could. Lingren was tied tight and well-in layers so he almsot broke through and would've if it didn't cut into his skin to badly. Duffy wasn't tied as well and he can flatten his hands to the width of his wrists-so it took a while but he slipped through. Eric didn't quite make it out. Tim had a lighter in his pocket and planned on burning himself out. Fiberglass is highly flammable-ir would've taken a while to get caught on fire, but once it did he would've definately died-his clothes would've gone right up in flames, and he's too stupid to stop drop and roll or get outside in the rain, he would've run around like a chicken with his head cut off screaming to the bitter end. But instead Eric saw what he was doing, and since Everyone was freed of their bonds except tim, they jumped on him, wrestled the lighter away and freed him-saving his life probably, and he was just complaining that they didn't trust him to do it right. To burn himself free??? His mom probably doesn't trust him to tie his own shoelaces!!!

As of September 2000 Tim has proven his stupidity. He fell off a roof-again! This time it was 25 feet up, and as he started to fall, he pushed away from the house, but not enough. There was a porch in the way and he landed on the edge on his heels. He shattered both his heels and ankles. His right ancle is in 13 pieces, and his left in 17. In falling his speed reached 45 mph. That's like taking a sledge hammer full force to your feet. He has NO heels now, his feet need to be rebuilt with metal pins and rods. His spine is fractured too. He's still in the hospital, and he'll be in a wheelchair for the next few months. The swelling on his ankles is the same diameter as his thighs. His feet are like thighs with toes! He will spend the rest of senior year bedridden on perks (meds)

Paul Gorman

His major fault is he's just like Ryan-only uglier, and stupider. Ryans meaner, but when you seperate them from the other guys in shop-so theres no reason to be mean, Ryans not so bad, and Gormans just a bastard though and through. Not only is he butt-ugly, wait a sec, lemme rephrase that, not only is he bald-haired-pale-shriveled-whrinky-butt ugly, but his girlfriend is known as Shamu in her tribe. He's a bad carpenter-he never pays attention long enough to learn to use a skill saw. His academic grades are bad, he doesn't have commen sence and he doesn't listen. He's one of those guys who are a complete waste of air, and think they're all that. He's completely hated by EVERYONE in shop and he cant figure it out. I mean-he carved JVJB into the lid of Duffy's toolbox and Duffy was pissed (I wont tell u what JVJB means, but its a low blow) Anyways, Duffy was angry so everyone except me got aken up to the office to find out who carved it into his toolbox. EVERYONE told on Gorman. Gorman got into trouble, and yelled at me-as if I told on him! I yelled back that I didn't even get called up and told him to stuff it (in different words) Gorman was mad so he left the shop. All of a sudden everyone says at once "It was me!" It was soo funny! We all hated Gorman and he never knew!!

Christina Barata

She's mentioned in my battle Page. This girl is cheap, she has crushes on the grossest looking guys, Like Tim Markland and Ryan Haszard. Not only that, she lives in her own world, she's not all there mentally. She'll backstab people, and list all their faults, even if one of their faults is backstabbing, she can't see what she's doing. She lies. She tells everyone she's going out with Ryan because she refuses to admit he won't go out with her, but she'll avoid the whole subject with me, because she doesn't want me to know ofthe lie, because I'll tell him. (I found out anyways, and he already knows, she doesn't know that though, so she keeps up the charade, and we all know she's crazy. She's kinda butch too, and while Ryan couldn't do any better, with her personality, he deserves better.