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Online With Bardot © 2000

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Online With Bardot © 2000

Webmaster's Note :

Well guys, we're finally open! However, due to some gremlins in the eidting room, we are missing A LOT of our content. Just a quick note to all you aspiring web developers out there, ALWAYS MAKE BACKUP FILES! We've learned our lesson here at Online With Bardot..grrr! Anyway, without the support of our visitors and their contributions, our site cannot grow to the level at which we know it can achieve, so please guys, if you have something you'd like to submit ( a story, photos, artwork, poetry, etc. ) please feel free to e-mail us to discuss it.

Just a quick note, incase you're wondering, the reason there is no gallery on this site is because there are many, many sites with many, many galleries and unless we have something exclusive for you guys then we're not going to worry about a gallery for the time being. However, in our Movies section, we will upload a few screen captures from Bardot video releases and exclusive pictures ( such as photographs from fans ) will have their own special spot on the site.

Latest Updates :

4th July 2000 :

Well...we did tell you we wanted this site to grow, didn't we? You can expect udates every few days, especially in the news section. Today's updates include :

Latest News..added some infor, filled in some gaps.
Tour Dates..added info about where to purchase tickets for all Oz shows.
Links Fan Sites..actually listed some fan sites..hehe

2nd July 2000 :

Basically, all that's accessable at the moment is the News section and it's sub-divisions, the Tour section and it's sub-divisions and the Links section and it's sub-divisions. Sorry folks! But please do check back regularly to catch the latest updates!

Online with Bardot was launched on 2nd July 2000 and was last updated on the 4th July 2000.

Legal stuff : Online With Bardot © 2000. The site and it's contents, including, but not limited to text, graphics, audio and video files,are owned by Online
With Bardot unless otherwise stated and cannot be duplicated inany way, shape or form without the prior consent of the owners of Online With Bardot. Thanks.