http://www.angelfire.com/pop/pytgalaxy/index.html <---Back to PYT Galaxy
*Contact PYT*
- Through Snail Mail: PO Box 273481 Tampa FL 33688-3481
- Through E-Mail: I have all of the girl's e-mail addresses so if you have a e-mail or pic you want to send them, I will be GLAD to forward it to them!
- Through the message board: Use their message board screen names to PM them! (To get their screen names go to my message board link on the home page).
*Contact Me*
- E-mail: pytgalaxy@mail.com
- AOL IM: PYT 2003; LuvinJD4ever
- Yahoo! Messenger: pytchica
- ICQ #: 58895837
- Message Board Name: Quirky
- FREE Voicemail: 1-877-890-0101 ext: 953