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#saskatchewan Level 305 OP



Yup.... looks goofy doesn't he? That's because he IS. This guy has been given awards for his goofyness (who do you thinkn taught Goofy to be Goofy?). `Brian is one dude you NEVER want to cross. He has about 35 million ways of making you chew your feet. He never gets mad..... he does not need to, he will run circles around you, smack you with about 6000 insults, embarrass the hell out of you, and make you look like a weak minded fool. He has about 65000 comebacks and if he doesn't have one..... you can bet he will make one up in about 1/10th of the wink of an eye. His humor is unatural, you can never tell whut this nut is going to say next. But a word of caution, the last person to make him mad, is now engraved in the concrete all the way from Mexico to Canada. He will run you dwon, hit the brakes and back over you. *** NOTE *** If `Brain is a particularly miffy mood, he may repeat before said sequence up to 200 times! (his motto.... if yer going to do a job.... DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!) He has been known to runs numnuts down, and park on top and go grab a coffee (he usually likes doing this when he's hauling piggy's with the runs). In other words, `Brian is a guy you kinda wanna get on the GOOD side of. He will, and I mean WILL, make you laugh. (usually till you fall of your chair or hurl your McDonalds burgers).

Age: 51 male

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Marital status: divorced

Job description: "semi" retired trucker (he he he ... get it "semi" retired??? AWWW never mind then .... geeez!)

Hobbies: His "Memory" is kinda active these days.... He does alot of reminiscing with his "Memory"

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