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#saskatchewan Level 350 OP


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Holi is another one of our ladies that can be only described a FUN. She tends to go totally nuts at times and gets everyone in the room laughin so hard they fall of their chairs. She can only be described as an honest to goodness goofy nut! ChR|StY41 has met this lady in real life and dang near bought the Wal-Mart chain. She shops till she drops, and then hires someone to shop for her. Holi is kinda crazy and has no problems asking CrR|StY41 if she "got lucky". If you happens to do a boo boo and get this lady miffed at you, she takes great enjoyment in making your life a total sewer pit. She has been known to give lamers a "Royal Flush". Her temperment is one of total enjoyment. She is on IRC to enjoy herself and her friends. Don't make her mad... because when she gets on a roll, she's like a locomotive running wide open. (too bad your like a penney someone put in the tracks). Out of all the sweetnes that is in #saskatchewan, Holi ranks among the sweetest. (and the most insufferable when on PMS). j/k Holi... Holi... Holi?..... HOLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.... AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh.............

Age: 33 female

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Marital Status: married with 2 children, a boy and a girl.

Job Description: Temporarily Retired

Hobbies: loves animals, enjoys music, camping, baseball, curling, water skiing.

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