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#saskatchewan Level 300 OP



This is Ken an kissbug.... an boy does she smooch! She kisses everything, including K9. She believes in making everyone feel welcome by covering them with a warm layer of saliva. If you log on to ChatNet and join #saskatchewan, if kissbug is there.... be prepared to get slimed! heh... speaking truthfully though, this is another SWELL lady. She is an awesome op. kissbug is in all honesty, one of the nicest ladies on the net. She is VERY friendly..... VERY VERY VERY friendly.... (Ken-1 has the hickeys to prove it). he he he j/k kissy!

Age: 44 female

Location: Illinois, USA

Marital status: married to Ken-1

Job description:Keeps Ken-1 VERY happy.... and WET!

Hobbies: arts, crafts, wood working

Nicks: Katie-44, kissbug

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