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#saskatchewan Level 100 OP



This Gal is awesome, She's got a sense of humor that even gets me laffin. I mean if ya can take a joke, This is the person to see. But I must warn you, Her humor has a bite to it at times. Whatever you do.... DON'T underestimate this lady. If you are the poor sap that is unfortunate to make her mad at you, There is no place on earth you can hide from her wrath. It's kinda like hunting mosquito's with atomic bombs.... you get my drift? I mean godzilla is scared of her wrath... (you ever see Godzilla on IRC? It's cuz he made her mad an she laid an ass whuppin on him!) MaKay|a is really an awesome lady though.... she can chat to beat the band(an she makes sense too). MaKay|a will definetly make yer stay in #saskatchewan an enjoyable one!


Location:Minnesota, USA

Job Description: Nurse

Nicks: MaKay|a, |cECiClE

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