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#saskatchewan Level 200 OP



You got it.. This dewd has Style an plenty of it. He's got to be one of the smoothest people you will ever meet. He aint smooth in a deceptive way, just exceedingly wasy to talk to. STiles doesn't say that much, but when he does... he hilarious! He uhm... shall we say ... tries to sing, but I can honestly say that he is a LONG way off from being a Diva in an Opera! This guy is soooo smooth that he can abooooose you and you thank him for it. Later ya kinda think back and realize whut he did. He can dispose of even the WORST of lamers in a quick and orderly fashion with style and grace. But a small weee little warning... Ya get's him mad.... uhm... yer pretty much a hamburger and he's ALWAYS hungry! He can make mince meat out of even the toughest lamers in seconds. When ya get on his bad side, I guess you could say yer pretty much the frog in the blender syndrome. His blender only has ONE button...."FRAPPE". STiles loves Lamer-a-la-frog-a-la-mode! What can I say though, he has got to be one of the nicest people you can meet on IRC. He is patient to a fault and loves chatting and "singing" in SaskRap. STiles is an IRC op for the PrinceGeorge.BC.CA.ChatNet.Org IRC server.

Age: 21 male

Location: US

Marital Status: TOP SECRET!

Job Description: if I told ya.... I would have to /kill ya!

Hobbies: I'm not an alcoholic.. I am a drunk.. Alcoholics go to meetings ;)

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