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     Shawn is a pretty shy and reserved person.Unless you know him that is. He finds people hard to trust, and seldom worth the effort. But he's a pretty good judge of character, so be nice and say hi when you see him...and you will manage to get that killer smile of his flashing his pearly whites.
So that's it. Just a reminder. Please note that there is no email address that you can address your email directly to Shawn. So don't believe anyone who states that you can. It's all poppycock. Your best bet would be by snail-mail. We cannot promise to handle fan mail through our email, except we might not be able to handle the load. Try your luck, but no guarantees. Contact the webmaster to forward any fan mail. Or alternatively, if you're using snail mail, you can address it to the addresses below. The first is Shawn's artiste management, Bintang Seni Sdn Bhd and the second is that of his recording company, Delima Records (M) Sdn Bhd at. It is advised that fan mail be directed to the second address.

Bintang Seni Sdn Bhd, No. 1, Lorong 12/14D, Petaling Jaya, 46200 Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Delima Records (M) Sdn Bhd, No 18 & 20, Lorong 6A/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 3 1/2 mile, Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.

      Email more questions to us on what you want to know about Shawn to us. Maybe we left out something, or there's something you'd like to know. Whichever it is, we'll get Shawn to answer any of your queries immediately. Rest assured all questions will be answered. Please remember we do not handle hate mail, if any...hence risk being ridiculed if you do send any. To contact the webmaster, email preschoolplaypen productions.
The picture above was in the Melodi Hati album cover and also used on the poster for promos. I think Shawn really looks laid back on the series of shots done for the album photography. Not bad. Everything wasn't rosy at the start, though. Wait till you see shots from his O.E.O. single cover. This black and white number however is just fantastic and one of my favourites.