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 think you're the ultimate fan of Shawn? You think you know enough to open your own fan website? Okay...we'll put it to the test. I'll be pulling out more of Shawn's skeletons in the closet in time, but here are a few juicy bites for you to chew over.
      Ready? Well here we go.
Did you know Shawn was in Sinaran: Paspot Kegemilangan, that cheesy talent show. He was. He was a contestant there way back when he was chubbier (he prefers the word 'fatter'). And not many people know this. Even those with TV3 can't remember him and those that do, he dismisses it with a "That was my brother...". And you know what...they actually believe him.

Next bite. Did you know Shawn was formerly from Innuendo. Not many people know this...It's a shame he couldn't have stayed on with Innuendo, but hey..their loss, our gain, right? Apparently, Shawn was excluded from the group in the later stages prior to the album's release cause he towered above the rest of the members of the group like a giraffe. (Yikes!)

Next!!! Did you know...this is a little self-indulgent...who did Shawn's hairdo that AIM night (if you noticed it was red). Well...I did. Shawn loved the concept of having red hair (think one of 'N Synch in the Bye Bye Bye video). So I did it for him. Bigger surprise still. The next day after I did his hair, on the afternoon of the awards show, he got so many stares and comments that he chickened out and re-coloured his hair to make it a tad darker. But I suppose it was evident and many kept giving their unsolicited comments. (Poor guy!)

Still yet another one from the album. He's got that look as if he's in really deep thought, right? Aw puh-lease...the man's looking at an album full of his pics. He'd make a good actor though from his poses. Wonder if Yusof Haslam would be interested.