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     These are some of the questions we normally hear fans ask or are raised by the local media on Shawn and his answers.

Q : Is he really having an affair with Juliana Banos from KRU Records Sdn Bhd?
A : We're just friends, but I don't know how other people could perceive otherwise. But then again, people are free to say what they want, because if they already have a pre-conception about something about me, then no amount of what I say will change it.

Q : How about accusations on you being gay?
A : *Sigh*. Well what can I say. Like I already said, if people have a preset thing in their minds about how you are, no amount of reasoning or truth is going to change their minds. Even when I broke up with my girlfriend, they said it was because of that. All I can say to my fans is, judge for yourself.

Q : So are you single at the moment?
A : Yes, I am. Any takers? *Grins*

Q : How do you feel about being compared to Ricky Martin, and the title, "The Malaysian Ricky Martin" handed to you?
A : An unfortunate comparison for Ricky Martin-lah! *Laughs* was both a blessing and a curse. It introduced me to the masses, but it got really embarrasing. Ricky Martin is a great performer...but I'm ME!. I dunno if that's good or not. But I'll leave it to my fans to judge.

      So, I know the four questions cover quite some ground. We will try and publish more Q & As with Shawn.
Shawn and Juliana before an RTM Hari Raya recording earlier this year. I guess it's safe for Shawn's female fans to note that he is NOT...make that MAY not be with the soulstress from KRU Records. If we go by what Shawn has to say that is. Pity, right. They would have made a great couple. Wonder if they'll do a duet anytime in the near future.