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FanFiction...Among other Things

Wouldn't you just like to eat him.. I mean seriously... eat him up... yummy!

Yes I know, long time no update. I can explain. The other night, I had a new chapter all done, I went to save it. And it FUCKING deleted! Grrrrr... angelfire can.. can... I don't know but they can do something. I promise to have at least 5, thats right 5 new chapters up before Christmas! I promise.

Plus, I have to get a new guestbook.. my old one is being retarded. And I want to totally renovate my site.. but thats going to take some time. So, I'll probably start it after the new year. Hope you enjoy the new chapters! Weeeeeeee!


 Got Presto?


| blabbing| scribbling| leaving|

belonging| wondering| winning|
| bragging| sweet page| my web blog|
SIGN MY FUCKING GUEST BOOK!!!! ......please?

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