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(R. Matsuo)

A playful time, a small city town,
nothing doing, a nowhere bound.
Each of us a day of hope.
Both of us somewhere to go.

A wide eyed girl in a hand-me-down dress
spends her days dreaming of the best.
"Maybe I will if I can do well.
Someday will come true, I promise myself."

        These are the days of daydreams.
        To figure out what this all means.
        So much time, so much to do.
        So many daydreams ahead for you.

A second glance, a flirting eye.
Romantic vows exchanged with a sigh.
Was it your plan to be in love so fast?
An unexpected love you hope will last.

You work so hard for somebody else.
Plans and promises are laid on the shelf.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe someway
your time will come, maybe someday.

        These are the days of daydreams.
        You ask yourself what this all means.
        So much time, so much to share.
        Was your daydream one of theirs?

Your daughter has her mommy's eyes.
Precious moments of a dream realized.
It all becomes hers as you reach for the shelf,
for the plans and promises you made for yourself.

A sleepy time, a small city town,
a nothing doing, a nowhere bound.
Here's to those with dreams to fill.
Here's to those daydreaming still.

        Those were the days of daydreams.
        You figured out what this all means.
        Dreams to pass on to a new life,
        in hopes that they'll be the daydreaming kind.


Listen to "Daydreams"