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One Last Time

(R. Matsuo)

What do I bring the last time I see you?
What would show how much you've meant to me?
To know with all that's everlasting, I couldn't keep this time from passing,
Turning all that is to what could be.

I could bring you candy, I could bring you flowers,
But it wouldn't help to make the moment last.
Maybe just a gift of time, some of yours and some of mine,
A moment that would surely fade to fast.

        I can only bring you what we had my friend,
        relive how we were back then,
        Memories that can make us smile again.
        Just to sit and talk awhile and promise not to cry
        One last time before we say goodbye.

If I could go back, I'd capture every moment
And somehow hold time in my hands,
Squeeze a second more into each minute, drain each ounce of life left in it,
Create another day and one more chance.

What do I do, when I think about you
After you've been gone for awhile?
You've touched my heart like no one could. Because of this I'll always have you
In my heart, always on my mind.


What do I bring the last time I see you?
What will I see when I look into those eyes?
The uselessness of asking why, the reasons for the tears I cry
When I come to see you one last time.

One last time before we say goodbye.


Listen to "One Last Time"