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In Your Dreams
Do you dream about 98 Degrees? Literally! If you've had a way cool dream (or even a nightmare) with the guys in it you're perfect for my site. I'm collecting fan dreams for this new page. E-mail them to me!

The Substitute Teacher
I don't really think there's any meaning to this dream it was just a little bit bizarre. First of all I was in school and Jeff was my substitute teacher for computer class. He was kind of a geek. So then I was in New York City and the streets were totally empty, like nobody at all was around. I was walking through Times Square with my mom and brother and my brother really had to go to the bathroom and the only place that was nearby was MTV. So we rang the bell and Carson answered it. He led us upstairs to use the bathroom then he invited me to come with him to tape TRL. There was no studio audience except for there was one hockey player from the Colorado Avalanche in the studio watching. So Carson's going through the videos then he introduces me to his special guests, 98 Degrees. Even though they were my fav band I wasn't at all excited to see them. It was just like yeah whatever. Then I looked at Jeff and instead of saying something like, "Oh I'm your biggest fan!" I go, "Hey didn't you substitute teach me? That was like the worst class ever!"....and that was the end of my dream!
-Liz, Maine