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How to use a jpg as a Mask

Here is a tutorial on using layers and masks, how to go from this:

to this:

Using masks and Layers.

First, open Paint Shop Pro and open a new graphic 400 X 300 on white.

Next- Save this graphic to your computer to use as a mask.

Open this in PSP and then minimize it.

Next open your blu1.jpg and blu2.jpg graphics and minimize them.

OK, now go to the new white graphic that you opened and make sure it is the active one (just click on it). Click on the flood fill (the little bucket on your tool bar) and then click on the Tool Options bar. Fill Style: Pattern Nothing else changed. (Make sure the Sample Merged button is NOT checked.)

Next click on the little grid and then the scroll down box and choose blu1.

Go to your graphic and click once with the flood fill tool.

Next go to the Layers button at the top and click on it. Click on New Raster Layer > OK.

Go to the tool options again on flood fill and on the little grid. Then this time choose blu2. Flood fill with the blu2 (It will cover up the other but that is because they are each on their own layer- you'll soon see why : )

Then at the top click on Masks>New>from Image then scroll down to the one that says heartmask and click on it. Nothing should be checked except source luminance. Click OK.

Then go to Selections > From Mask
Now click on the Layer Palette and click on Background.

Next go to the top and click on Image > Effects > Drop Shadow with these settings:

Do the same thing again changing the Vertical and Horizontal to -4 .

Now add your words and your done : ) A tip on the words so that the colors match... use the eye dropper tool and put it over the color you want to match and left click. Then go to the palette where the color you just chose is and click on that box. Now go up a little higher so that it is a darker color, and it should match what you are doing : )

I hope this helps ...
When you are finished go to Layers at the top and click on it... Layers > Merge > Merge Visible and your finished : )

Questions? E-Mail me at


Valerie's Graphics