^_^_^_^_^_p r e s e n t s:_^_^_^_^_^

†††~~The Testimony of KRISTIN~~††

I came from a very abusive past, numerous foster homes, exposed to all sort of relegious beliefs and many Non-Christian ways of life.

I had heard people speak of Jesus and what He did for the 'world' and that I was included in the 'world'...but I could not even begin to imagine how someone could love me so much.

  No one that I knew would even think of giving their life for me or much of anything else.

  One of my foster families were Jewish. So we were taught that Jesus did NOT die on Calvary...He was not the Messiah. They told us some stuff about Jesus that almost scared me to death...I could imagine hell being better...They spoke more of hell than Christ.

  Then I went to another foster home and they were Pentecostal and I particularly remember during a revival I went up and I was sobbing...I was kneeling at the altar and some ladies at the church...it must have been about ten of them.
They came up and placed their hands on me and just began to pray. I was eleven at the time...Jesus was tugging on my heart that nite...and I stood up from the altar and walked away...unsaved.

I could practically feel the flames burning at my ears.

  I eventually got to go home to my mom which was ok for a bit...but then things went back to how they were before...and I really started down some bad roads.
I got into drinking really bad and I was smoking and stuff.

Had someone asked me right about then if I wanted to know Christ I probably would have killed them.

Then my mom and me moved to this small hick town and, at first, I thought I would die of boredom.
But I found plenty BAD things to do...

I was a very low time in my life.

  I was very closed up and I kept to myself. I got into a period of cutting and into the occult and stuff...and I just quit cutting about two months ago.
For good.
It was a very hard thing to do...but now, when I feel the need to find comfort in something...I have Christ to turn to.

  I went to church and that nite I called on Christ...but I did not mean it with all of my heart and you know when you don't...you are not saved.
I mean, what good does it do? Christ just knew I needed Him but I was not doing what I should be doing. I guess that I still could not imagine how He could love me so much therefore I did not truly believe what I was told.

  I started doing some bad stuff again...Just a little at a time...while trying to pretend to be a Christian. I knew I was not saved but I constantly put it to the back of my mind and just went on about daily routine...while I was walking a straight path to hell.

  So, now, three years later...here I am.

Recently I went to church and it was during a revival that I was saved.

Now, there is no doubt in my mind what Christ did for me...I can feel Him living inside of me this time. I know it is for sure.

  I don't even remember what the preacher was preaching about. I just remember that Jesus was pulling at my heart.

I saw another girl go down just a year or so younger than I and I wanted so bad to go down...but I didn't.

  After the revival...we were standing there and I was crying...and I looked at my friend....She and her husband were missionaries in France and stuff...so she's older but that doesn't matter and I said "I am not saved" and she said "Lets take care of it now then...don't wait" and I fell to my knees right there and I called on Christ and I accepted Him into my heart.

  I will tell you this...if there is any doubt in your mind...get right with Christ...ten minutes from now might be too late and I want for none of you to go to hell...I want you to know the same joy that I will know someday as I stand in Christ' presence. I love each of you even though there are some of you I don't know very well... and some I know not at all.

  So, here I am...look at me...I would go more into my past but I feel like the purpose of a testimony is to tell what Christ has done in your life...not what other people have...so I tell you...here I am 17 years of sin and now I am cleansed by the blood of Christ...do you want that for your life?

Just call on Christ and He will hear you and give it to you.

  Well, I guess that is all I have to say. Any of you folks can write me anytime you need Love you all (((Family)))

  Kristin aka broken-spirit.....

[This Webpage was Created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2002]

Even the angels in Heaven rejoice when one new soul in added to the Kingdom of God!