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(His Words to Your Heart)

If for some reason you did not receive my other letters, I have to tell you someone cares for you. I know your present circumstances. I know your very thoughts, and I am calling to you now.

Come unto Me, all of you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:29-30).

Be strong and of good courage, do not be dismayed, for I am with you always.(Joshua 1:9)

Rest...real rest from the burdens of life is what I offer to you. Rest from fear and guilt; from worry and frustration, from loneliness and disappointment.

If you are struggling under life's pressures, I will bear your burdens. Take my yoke upon you and learn from ME, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest unto your soul. My yoke is easy and My burdens are light. (Matt 11:29-30).

If you are searching for peace of mind and soul, I offer peace to you. Peace I leave with you, Peace I give unto you not as the world gives. Do not be troubled or afraid. (John 14:)

Yes I love you, and I will always love you now and forever. I became a man to redeem you from the consequences of sin. The years spent as a man, I suffered rejection, abuse and cruelty.(Isaiah 53:3)

I endured hunger, thirst and pain, and I died upon the cross of Calvary to fulfill God's plan of salvation. I was wounded for your transgressions, I was bruised for your iniquities; the chastisement of your peace was upon me and by my stripes you are healed. (Isaiah 53:5).

I rose from the grave and triumphed over sin and death, promising all who will receive Me,"Because I Live", you shall live also.(John 14:19).

You can be sure that this very moment I care for you and want to meet your needs. Having lived on earth as a man, I understand your feelings and needs. Being God I am able to supply your needs.(Philippians 4:19)

Through My Spirit I offer you inner peace and strength. Through My people I offer encouragement and companionship. Through My word, the Bible, I reveal a new way of living in harmony with God and man.
I will guide you continually and satisfy your desires with good things and make your bones strong, and you shall be like a watered garden , like a spring, whose waters fail not.(Isaiah 58:11)

I stand at the right hand of God in Heaven representing those who have put their trust in Me. Receive me today as your Savior and friend, then you will know the truth that is found in me.

I Am!!.....

Your Friend,
I Love You

text written by DJ's Creations ® 1999



[This Webpage and Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and ®2002 WebUplifterMinistries]