^_^_^_^_^_p r e s e n t s:_^_^_^_^_^


Look and you'll find him.

He's not so hard to see.

He lives in every stalk of grass,

in every blossom,

every tree.

You'll see his light

in the dawn's ribbons of gold.

Even come nightfall,

he'll be there to behold.

You'll find him every time

you gaze up at a zillion stars.

He keeps the light on for you always;

to let you know that

he's never far.

You can see the breadth of his love

in the unending blue skies.

His love is larger than infinity,

and as great as he is wise.

You can witness his strength

in the mountains and the seas,

and hear his voice

in every breeze.

You can see his art

in every forest

and every brook that gently flows.

You can feel him

in the satin petals of a rose.

You can find him in every meadow

and every wave that kisses the shore.

He exists in every smile,

and every blessing

that arrives at your door.

Just look and you'll find him;

God is never hard to see.

He's everything around you,

all that is

and our greatest hope

for what can be.

***written by Bobette Bryan ®~2000



[This Webpage and Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and ®2002 WebUplifterMinistries]