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•••Who's Fooling Who?--Effects of Hypocrisy!•••

----Written By TiggerJane----

The sun sets in the sky as night approaches. Seven cars speed across town to get to work.....arriving just in the nick of time. Seven ladies jump out of their cars, and gathering up all their bags, they run into the building, to punch the clock.
Four of those ladies are very proudly carrying large Bibles in expensive carry cases.

Inside we all rush to set up our workplaces and begin the days deadlines.

Four of us pointedly lay those large Bibles out across the desk......

All during the course of the night, no matter what chaos arises, those four have a "cute"..."smartalleck" answer from a scripture somewhere in that large, overpriced Bible........."

Hello, my name is TIGGER, and I am one of the three who does not have a Bible laid out across my desk.

Yes, I am a Christian and I love God with all my heart. I serve him everywhere I can, and crave his praise......He is my best friend everyday, and everywhere I go, I know He is with Me. I have a Bible in my car, and a million scattered around the house from cheap paperbacks, to expensive study Bibles...And I love them every one....

To be a Hypocrite, is to assume a character that is other than real....and to cover up your own devices.

I find it so interesting that the very same ones who have that lovely Bible laid out for all the world to see are the very ones that you have to Watch closer than close because at the first chance they get.....

If you aren't C A R E F U L you will have a knife protruding out of your back from dealing closely with them....How proud God must be......

Who's Fooling Who? Do they think that because that lovely old book is lying there that somehow others will see them as holy?

What happened that all We care to put on is such a show?

Being Holy is something that you have on the inside where there is just so much of God in you he just...overflows and cannot be contained. Not a book laid out for showing pleasures.

And what happens when we have problems for real? Its interesting how God always comes on the scene through someone who is willing to be a Vessel....
instead of a show. Very recently I looked up from my work to see one of our seven ladies dragging, half carrying, another one of our ladies out ...leaving a trail of blood in their wake........The lady had cancer and was hemorrhaging....They called 911 and soon the ambulance was on the way, but she was bleeding out, and we were losing her........

Who's Fooling Who? The four "showcases" stood there with their pretty bibles and empty words looking....while the other three of us hit the floor running...

Someone needed to PRAY....we were losing her life and needed GOD....RIGHT THEN. And when the ambulance arrived, we were right there in the floor with her where she had fallen, and I know she lived because a Loving Father God came to her right there on that floor where we were praying in agreement and helping her breathe.......not because we were special.

Im not. No one is. But we were willing to be used. And she was willing to receive. And today im pleased to report that the cancer is in remission....thank God...and we are bonded in a special way....

And I thank God for that too...

How sad it is that there are so many of us that think its okay to be self righteous, self pleasing, evil doing, back stabbing, uglier than sin on the inside, but an active part of the " I carry a big bible" club. But Who's fooling Who? Do they think that they really look holy??
Hypocrisy is Sickening!

And it is not God.

You want to see God?

Then look in your heart. He's that sweet tiny voice that comes and whispers peace in your spirit. He's around you on the very wind that ruffles your hair. And Yes, he is in that lovely old book.......

But sadly, he is rarely in the "tote the bible and be seen" club. I wonder if they will see him in Heaven.

Who's Fooling Who After All?

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