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:::F O R E W O R D:::

The follow testimony is a True-Life Account of One of Our Precious Uplifter Members.
It is not a made-up story.
In fact, In her own words, Lillian, states, "I find even Myself amazed that I came through it as well as I did but only by God's grace was this possible.....It took My Own Testimony to shake me back into reality.....

†††~The Amazing Testimony of Lillian~†††

In the beginning I was born totally blind; I didn't walk or talk until I was 3 years old. God Blessed me with sight; I received 3 operations on my eyes. They said I would need coke bottle lens...Wrong! God had other plans, after all, I was a new born.

So, God did something that the medical profession says is impossible. How I see, they don't understand, lol...but i do;-)

  I have no pupils! I was supposed to die at birth, My mother used to sniff gasoline from a babyfood jar while she was pregnant with yours truly. She carried me until she was 10 1/2 months. I was only 4 pounds when I was born! Ok so I am a very late bloomer ha ha.God Knew what He was doing ....if I had been born on time I would have died i would have been way to small!

As I got older they told my mom I would never have kids. The doctors said it would kill me, I was too small...ya right what ever:-) I have 4 very beautiful kids.

I stopped growing when I was 10, so I am on the very tiny side due to mom's sniffing. She told me when I was 12 (in a crude way) that she should never have had me...nice mom...she reminded me on a daily basis how ugly I was and how she hated me; ( Names were changed to protect the innocent )she would often introduce us kids to her friends like this:
This is my beauty pageant baby, kate, and this is my wonderful son,Keith, the apple of my eye: oh and this is the homely one.
I wish I would have mis-carried. I never knew what it meant as a child but I knew it wasn't good.
She was very abusive with hateful words and remarks and acts of cruelty.

As a teen I ran away 3 times, only to get the living snot knocked out of me upon my return.... she needed a babysitter, so I never went to parties or had fun like my sister.

She always made a difference between us; we are only 1 year apart. When the school nurse told her I needed glasses she was furious with me...I got blamed for any added expense or if anything got broken in the house. I got the 2 for one deal; blame & beating.

She always made me do all the chores my sister didn't want, or if my sister's nails were wet.
Cinderella had it made; she had the mice to help her lol. I was made to scrub the floors for real! And, forced to wash the toilet bare handed, no gloves.
I had to make lunches for everyone before I could get ready for school. Well, you get the picture.

But, the torture was the worst!

She poured the kitchen garbage pail on my bed (the size of an outside garbage pail) while I was at school(high);
she pulled the covers down, poured the pail, then pulled up the covers!

When I was in the 10th grade she would rip up my clothes, destroy my jewelry, books, and whatever else she found that was amusing to her. Running away was pointless because she would have me brought home and beat me when everyone was gone;

She hit me with brooms, bite me on the face, arms, pinch with a twist, scratch my face, bite me on the back, kick me, throw things at me, pull my hair out, claw my back, punch me. She didn't need a reason either...then she would tell people I did it to myself; and she would not let me go to school if she left marks that could be seen...she started this kind of abuse when I was 2 years old.

She started with the biting. I promised myself, and Jesus, I would never do this to any child I ever had...I KEPT MY PROMISE :-)

I thank God for making me such a good mommy.

Then I married my high-school sweetheart at 20. He turned out to be an alcoholic who was abusive verbally and physically as well...but, I found out after 18 years of marriage, he married me on a bet.

He finally told me he never loved me! That was a Big Blow, but I got 4 great kids out of the deal. He liked to punch and kick me in my sleep. The gun between the eyes was the final straw. I just couldn't handle it any more...that was in 1989.

I have been raped 6 times: 2 times by my father. 2 separate date-rapes and 2 by my x-husband. One of the date rapes was the first time and I was only 15. The guy who did it was a 19 year old who worked for my step-dad. He only wanted to date my sister, so he used me to see her.
That's why the need to be loved is so important to me I never had any.
But my husband Rob is so loving to me. We fight a lot, but we are working things out. He is a real sweet guy...anyway, I have had lots of disappointments in my life, but...

MY REDEEMER LIVES! I have had more guys break my heart than I care to admit, but I would rather be dumped than to be the one causing the pain. God has made me very strong: I have been without lights, food, water, clothes, and I've even been homeless. But with each blow God sent a blessing. I almost lost my second child. She was terminal at birth but she Lives! The OBGYN's said to abort my last 2 babies, due to the fact I was on birth control half way threw my pregnancy...they would be severely deformed, or maybe even be still born. The boys are so handsome...and smart.

  The baby had an IQ of 122 in the 2nd grade!
So, I was viciously attacked by my x-father-in-law 2 times. He tried to strangle me while my mother-in-law and husband stood by and watched, and didn't try to help me. I have been physically hit by EVERY single person I ever knew from my past.

WOW does God love me or what....you see...satan has tried to put my light out But I believe it's because God loved me so much that it just bugged satan to no end!!!! so he tried to destroy me! God wouldn't let that happen...

  Love, Jesus † & me....if you would like to know more about my testimony Please e-Mail me any time I will reply.....my addy is HISBLOOD4ME@webtv.net...

[This Webpage was Created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2002]

Our Creator knows the capabilities of each One of His Children.
He will never exceed the boundaries in which He knows they can not endure.
His Grace and Mercy are sufficient for each of Us!