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Pacific Fair

Date:21 May 2000

Vanessa Wore:A black cap (with writing on the front, but I don't know what it said), a black shirt that said "Atari Junkie", jeans and boots.

Ok, well I'm re-writing this gig review and so if it sounds dodgy, it's just because I'm going from memory and that's a scary thought all round. Ok well I got to Pacific Fair at around 10:30am (and had to catch a bus mind you cause my mum wouldn't drive you, but trying to get a bus is a story in it's self). Vanessa wasn't on till 2 (I think or maybe 1) so I had a few hours to wait. I didn't know anyone there because I didn't have anything to do with the Vanessa community that was on the net at that point (when I got home it was the first thing I looked up). So basically I just had to sit and wait. After a while I actually saw a friend of mine who I hadn't seen in ages, and it was her fault that I didn't end up in the front of the crowd. She had convinced me that it would be better to wait were the line for the autographs I ended up behind a bunch of parents with little kids (omg how angry do they get) and if there's one thing I hate is parents that get violent trying to get there kids at the front, but the kids are that young that they wouldn't even know who Vanessa was or remember that they met her when they were four. Ok, sorry back to the review (you can see one thing I hate at this point I'm sure) Vanessa performed only three songs (which is not surprising as that is normal for an instore). The songs being Shine, Have A Look and Abs Everybody. During Abs she got some people up (the first person she told to come up, which at the time I didn't know who she was, was Sarah, which she thought was Amber), naturally I got up on stage and she told us to dance which I must say I don't do, cause I can't, so instead I jumped (if all else fails, which it usually does, that's my back up plan). So after that we all hoped down from the stage and everyone made a run for the autograph line (and you know what, my friend ended up at the back anyway cause everyone pushed infront of her). I followed the crowd and ended up pretty much the front of them line. I remember this part very well and I remember being nervous as hell. I finally got up there and and couldn't get over how normal Vanessa was, but that didn't stop me being nervous. Vanessa's sister, Melissa, was sitting with her when I was up there. The only words I manage to say were, "Hi, how's your rat?"  and her reply, "I haven't been home in a month so I haven't seen her" (she looked sad about that). I got my copy of The Power signed and asked if I could get a picture with her, and she stood up straight away and said yes, so I got a picture and hopped off the stage. I sat around until Vanessa left, but as she was leaving I asked if I could have another picture, which she was fine about (and she turned down the next guy that asked her, mind you). I was curious to see were she was off to next so with a few other people already following her, I thought there'd be no harm in seeing were she was heading (no I wasn't stalking her, much lol "j/k"), so I followed and she went into this little room. Everyone waited around for about 5mins and then they started to leave, I was the last one to leave, but just as I was, out came Vanessa, she was leaving now, and just as she was about to go I yelled out "Bye Vanessa" and she turned around and smiled and waved while drinking her fruit juice (and she didn't let go of the juice once). So that was my first Vanessa encounter, and that was what got me hooked, what made me so passionate to support Vanessa.....because I could relate to her, because she was so normal and down-to-earth and of course her music blew me away (and for anyone who hasn't seen her live, she sounds so much better live and CD's do her no justice).  Rock on V!

Broadbeach Mall

Date: Few days after the last instore, 2000

Vanessa Wore:A bone zip jacket with a snake skin patterned top underneath and long pants with lil checkers on them and her boots. Then got changed into a green and white top with a green jacket around her waist and jeans.

I was in such a panic about getting to this instore on time because I was running late and I was scared I would get some really crap seating (with little kids and parents everywhere AH!). I don't remember when Vanessa was on, but I do remember I got there about 30mins before she was due to come on stage (thankfully in true Vanessa style she is almost always late). I finally got there, but had no idea where Vanessa was so I was running around the Oasis for ages trying to find the stage (and believe me I was running, which would have looked weird seeing this chic running around like a mad women yelling to people that worked there, were the stage???). I did eventually get directions and my worst fear was realised, I was stuck at the back!!! Ok so after sitting there being pissed off that I could barely see, I thought I had to take matters into my own hands, I pushed and I shoved and I excused my way till I got just before the barricades. On the other side of the barricades was VIP seating (which I tried to get by entering a comp), I was waiting there thinking how great it would be to be in them and then some guy yelled out "Any kids who can't see come to the front in the VIP area". I remember thinking in my head "I may not be a kid, but hell I can't see" I jumped the barricade and sat down in one of the VIP seats, though I wasn't at the front of the stage because there were heaps of little kids sitting on the ground right infront. Vanessa came on about 10mins later and during the first songIi decided to make a break for the front (even with the little kids) and I ended up having to jump over about 5 rows of seats (I ended up tripping on the last row, and stacked it, very embarrassing) and I made it to the front, to the very very front, so close I was touching the stage. It was raining at the time and the ground was wet as, but I couldn't stand up because I would have blocked the VIP seating area, so i had to sit on the ground whilst getting my arse completely drenched, but I didn't care, I mean Vanessa was worse it anyway. After a while Vanessa said something along the lines of "Well the weathers a bit sh....oh I can't say that, there's little kids around" then she told us to get up cause we are all gonna get wet arses (too late Vanessa) and she continued on with the show. She did a full set  this time, which included "Dolphin's Cry" by Live and "Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart" by Janis Joplin. She invited people up on stage during "The Power" and "Abs Everybody". I got up during "Abs" and once again did my jumping cause like usual my dancing failed me.
So I hopped off stage and Vanessa sung a few more songs, and then she had to go. So she ran off stage, but the crowd wanted more, so the guy asked if you want Vanessa back up here you gotta scream, so we screamed and she came back and asked what song we wanted to hear. Seeing as Shine was the new single out everyone yelled Shine (I wanted "I Wanna Be Your Everything"), after that she really did go, but only to run over to the autograph  stage, to start signing. I got over there and we had to wait for about another 15mins cause she must have gotten changed and just chilled for a few mins. She came back out and started signing autographs, I got up there and got The Power signed again, but I forgot to ask for a picture. I realised I couldn't go home without one so i ran up to the security guard and I begged him to let me get a pic.....he was really nice and agreed so I ran up got a pic and then I had to go. Once again Vanessa was lovely, and I got to see a full set, with her band, and they were incredible. If you see Ness make sure you see her with her band cause they all work together to make the show amazing.


Date:Thursday 5th and Friday 6th of April 2001

Vanessa Wore:A no-selved top that has a turtle neck and it is sparkly. The belt that she wore at the NYE gig and long pants that were kinda puffy looking and had these pull things just below her knees.


 On Thursday Alecia and myself arrived at Twintowns at about 6:15pm. We waited in the lobby for Mel (who is a legend cause she got us in). When she arrived with her sister we headed up stairs to wait in line to enter the Showroom. When we eventually got in Alecia and myself went up and said hello to Christian from Invertigo who knows us from previous concerts. Then we went and sat down (well got up a few times and spoke to Amber and Sarah). Invertigo were really really great and half way through the gig we went to the front of the stage. When Invertigo had finished Alecia, Mel and me went looking for Christian cause he told us to go out to the carpark if we wanted to see him before he went, but we eventually found him signing autographs up outside the Showroom (thanks for telling us). So after we said goodbye to the guys we headed back inside to the front of the stage to wait for Vanessa to come on stage. The lights went dark and the stage lights went red and out ran Vanessa’s new band and then finally out came Ness. She went straight into singing “Pray For Love”. The songs she sang in order were:

Pray For Love
I Wanna Be your Everything
How Y’ Livin
U R Mine
The Power
Everytime I Close My Eyes
Blues Jam
Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart
Turn To Me 
Dolphins Cry 
Have A Look
Get On Up
Absolutely Everybody

During “The Power” Vanessa let people up on stage to dance with her. I was one of those lucky people along with Alecia, Mel, Amber and Sarah, though it was a bit of hard to get up on the stage and I think anyone behind me would have been pissing myself cos I kept falling down everytime I tried to get up, though I did eventually). I also got to sing with Vanessa. The microphone was in the middle between me and her and she was right infront of me. Then when The Power had finished she patted my arm and said thanks for coming up. Then during “Have A Look” she asked us to repeat what she sang into the microphone. She stared off with something really easy but then at the end made it difficult and laughed at us cause we couldn't do it (just cause we arn't as talented at you V :P). It was a really great night and I had an awesome time making a fool out of myself. Haha!!!


Friday night began at about 7:00pm. Alecia and myself got to see a lot of the fans that night like Sarah and Amber (again), Amanda, Catherine~Rose and Shenelle. This night though Invertigo sung 2 fewer songs because Christian had food poisoning and wasn’t feeling well. During Chances Are (I think) I stuffed up the words a lil bit and Christian saw and he laughed at me, so that was a little embarrassing. By the time Vanessa came on we were all at the front of the stage with our cameras armed and ready to fire. She did the same songs, but when she sung “The Power” she didn’t invite anyone up, I have a feeling she might have got told off for getting us up last time. The highlight of Friday night would have had to off been at during the Band Intro for Absolutely Everybody. Vanessa did 2 sorta hand stand flip things and when she landed with the second one she slipped a lil bit and some how ended up lying on her stomach on the ground, cracking herself laughing. I don't know how she managed to do it but she ended up lying there for a while. Sadly after Abs Vanessa left and everyone was running everywhere trying to track her down. I didn't end up running in to her again, but I think Amber and Sarah did. Those to nights were some of the best of my life, and totally blew me away, with the talent that Vanessa has.


Date:Sunday, 9th September 2001

I arrived at Southbank at 9:30am even though the concert didn't start till 4pm. It was probably the most boring thing I've ever had to do and did I mention it was hot and there was no shade and nobody was there for ages (oh don't wear black if u know your going to be in the sun ok?), but Vanessa did come out and do a bit of a sound check so that did keep me interested. When 4pm finally came the crowd was huge and everyone was ready for the show to begin. The annoying thing was we couldn't stand up as the people behind us would yell at us everytime we went to. Vanessa did an hour long concert and it absolutely rocked except for the fact that the stage was 40m off the shore of Southbank and I could barely see Vanessa (the added pain in the arse being I have dodgy vision), but I can promise you I had no trouble hearing her. I think I probably could have heard her still without the microphone in hand. She did all her usual songs and blew the crowd away. Then when she finished with Absolutely Everybody she was waving her hand to signal for us to stand up so we did, even though I was a little scared I was gonna get something throw at me from the crowd behind. Apart from that and the fact that I could barely see, it was an awesome show and Vanessa rocked as always.

Twintowns II

Date:Wednesday, 12th September

Vanessa Wore:A white shirt that had a V-neck and no sleeves. Over that she had a black top that went down to her elbows. She wore a pair of like blue jeans and black shoes with the NYE belt (black with silver tacks in it). She also had a black long sleeved shirt around her waist.

I arrived at Twintowns at 4:30pm. I had a fairly long wait till the doors opened (which was 8pm), but luckily for me I was waiting with some of the funniest and most amusing people I have ever met (it's amazing the amusement you can get out of a stuffed chicken). I also got to see Ness twice while waiting out there as she did a sound check (she had ago at one of the fans for eating McDonalds when she was heading out from the soundcheck) and we snuck in during the soundchecks, but had to hide in the corner so nobody saw us, lol it was really funny. When the doors finally did open at 8pm I headed in and was at the front row. Vanessa kicked the show off with Pray For Love, at just past 8:30pm. She basically did most of the same songs she did at the last gig, but also added in another two. They were called "Free Your Mind" and "Lift It Up".  Vanessa invited us all to jump up on stage when The Power came on. It was so fun. Then after The Power was finished and I was about to hop off the stage she came up to me and said. "Thanks for coming up" just like she did last time. It was abit strange that the same thing has happened twice in a row, but I guess it just goes to prove Vanessa is very good to her fans. Vanessa continued through her songs urging everyone to sing, dance and clap and during "Have A Look" she shoved the microphone in my face and everyone heard my really (and I mean really) bad voice, which went much worse once I realized that there was a microphone infront of me. So, Thanks alot Ness. LOL. Ness rapped the night up the usual way with Absolutely Everybody. During Abs some lady jumped up on the stage and then her kids did too. After a while I joined them cause everyone else had. After Ness had left the stage I hopped down and went around to the side. I spoke to the security guard and showed him my Club VA card and waited there for this other guy. After a while the guy came out and got some stuff and took it back  for it to be signed by Ness. I got my Fox Hat personally signed. Then all the people who were not with Club VA had to leave and the rest of us waited there for Vanessa to come out. When she did come out I got to get a photo with her and all my cds signed. Vanessa was soooo nice and friendly even though she did say she was tired and wanted to get to bed soon. It seems everytime I see Vanessa perform it gives me even more reason to love her music. 

Maroochydore - Sunshine Plaza

Date: 27th October 2002

Well, it’s been over a year since I last saw Ms Amorosi and I must say the wait was defiantly worth it.

I hopped on a train to Brisbane at 10:15am and arrived in Brissie at 11:35am. Then I spent the next 30 mins trying to find Amanda, whom I was grabbing a lift to Maroochydore with. Oh my god…I was so confused, I couldn’t figure out where Amanda was and I was like freaking out thinking she was gonna leave with out me. AHHHHHHHH!!! So anyway I finally found her and we started our long journey to Maroochydore, mind you it wasn’t a bad trip…I couldn’t call 2 hours of listening to V anything but awesome.
So after the long drive was over we finally arrive and made our way to the stage. I went off and got something to eat and a camera and got ready for V.
We arrived at about 1:30pm so we had to wait 1 and half hours before V arrived, mind you in true Vanessa style another 30 mins was added. LOL! So Vanessa jumped onto the stage and said ‘hello’ and got straight into “One Thing Leads To Another”. At the beginning of the song she invited people up, and so Amber, Sarah and myself jumped up on stage (after V signalled for us too) and we were ordered by Ms Amorosi to stay there for the rest of the gig (she said she didn’t want to look like a ‘geek’ all by herself, lol). So we danced away on stage and I was proud to say I was one of the few people there that new the words to all three songs preformed (She preformed OTLTA, Spin and Dream). After she’d finished singing she gave all of us a hug and said thanks for staying up on stage.
We then all hopped back down and waited another 10 mins while they set up the table and V went and refreshed herself. Once she had finished she re-appeared and started signing autographs. I went up with Amber and Sarah and OMG .. V was sooooo nice (as if we would imagine anything less).  I asked Vanessa if she had remember me from Channel [V] (I spoke to her on the phone there) and she asked me what we spoke about and I think she remember, lol, but if she didn’t I won’t hold it against her. Then I told her that Brut is cute (Brut is her pig btw) and we talked about that briefly. She said "have you seen my pig?" and I said on the Creature Features thing and she's like he's so cute isn't he. I got a pic with her and I waited for Amber and Sarah to finish speaking with her (lol we were up there for like 10 mins lmao). After that we waited around for a bit longer, but soon decided to go back up there for the second time. So we brought another copy of Spin and lined up again. Once we got up there I got V to sign my other copy and I got another pic and once again Vanessa was amazingly nice. Once that was over we hopped back down and soon Vanessa had left. I scored a free poster from Jack (I saw him smile for the first time) and we then headed home.
Vanessa was incredibly nice and if any of you get the chance to see her live yourself do not pass it up, cos you get to see the real Vanessa, the really amazing, nice person that she is. 

Twintowns III

Date: 22 March, 2003

I hadn't seen Vanessa since the Maroochydore gig, and that was over 6mths ago, so I was extremely excited to be seeing her again, and this time doing a proper gig, full set!
I was picked up at 12pm by Amber and Sarah (who I'm extremely thankful too!) and we arrived at Twintowns at around 12:30-12:45pm. We had a bit of a wait, but nothing that we haven't done before. So we sat around, amusing ourselves with Tazo Tops from the chip machine and a game of soccer in the lobby at Twintowns with my hacky-sack as the ball (and I'm proud to say the team I was on kicked arse). We also had a great view from where we were (those who were there will know what I mean…haha). 
At about 3:30pm I went to go get a camera with Amber and we went to the shopping centre which was a little bit down the road. Whilst there Sarah rang, telling us that Jack (yes that's right, Jack…you're a champion lol) had invited us into the soundcheck, so we made a bolt back to Twintowns and thankfully Vanessa hadn't arrived yet, but about 5mins after we arrived she did. V came over and said hello, whilst Amber and myself had to try and make ourselves look not so stuffed (man am I un-fit, lol). Vanessa spoke to us for about 10 mins, chatting about anything from the weather to her drummers wedding (congrats Paul!). After a bit she went over and started the soundcheck. She sung: 'Everyday Is A Winding Road', 'I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues', 'I Just Want To Make Love To You', 'Son Of A Preacher Man', 'Chained To The Whipping Post', 'Free Your Mind' and 'Natural Women'. She was a little frustrated during 'Chained To The Whipping Post' as she couldn't hit the note she wanted during the 'sometimes I feel like I'm dieing' part, our Ness is a prefectionist.
Once the soundcheck was over we decided to go back outside and reclaim our spot at the front of the line. We then spent the next 3 hrs talking, sitting around and watching as the crowd arrived.
 After a while we realised we were lining up at the wrong area (yeah yeah, laugh it up lol) and we quickly made our way to the other mini line forming at the right area (somehow, I ended up at the front of the line, hey these things happen…haha). 
The doors finally opened at 8 and we all made a dash for the front (me- front centre, thankyou very much) and waited for Ness to arrive on stage (she was typically late, but hey if she wasn't, it just wouldn't be a Ness gig). Soon the room went dark, the music started and Vanessa and her band began.

The set list was:
Who's Lovin' You
Everyday Is A Winding Road
You Are Mine
Pray For Love
Wanna Be Your Everything
Sun's Up
(How Y' Livin was here, but Vanessa cut it out)
The Power
Everytime I Close My Eyes

_______ACOUCTIC SET________

Back In Love

I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues
Evil Girl
I Just Wanna Make Love To You
In The Basement
Son Of A Preacher Man
Old Blues
Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart
Turn To Me


Light My Fire
Chained To The Whipping Post
Free Your Mind
Long Way To The Top
Natural Woman
Have A Look


Lift It Up
Absolutely Everybody


Vanessa blew everybody in the room away, still made sure the crowd was involved in the show as much as possible. Her gigs are very different to her earlier ones, with a massive set list, a variety of styles and many covers that you'd swear were the originals. She also includes an acoustic set, where just Vanessa and Marcel preform, singing 'Back In Love' and 'Tent'. A classic Ness moment happened when V began to sing 'Back In Love', she not only forgot the words, but had to ask us what they were. Then she skipped to the chorus, but couldn't stop laughing, because we were laughing at her and she decided to skip the whole song, so we heard about 30 secs of 'Back In Love'. Haha! Also during the acoustic set, Vanessa mentioned one of her old music teachers, who was in the audience and V deticated 'Tent' to her.
As always Vanessa was unbelievable and believe me when I say that CD's do her no justice. To see her live, is to understand why so many fans stick by her, even when we haven't seen her in years. For anyone who had any doubt in her popularity, the gig was sold out and no one in that room left disappointed. Rock on V!

Other Peoples Encounters

Name: Catherine-Rose

Date: Sometime in July 2000

Vanessa Wore: White singlet with blue stripe and white stars, black pants, orange belt

Me and my friend Lisa heard Vanessa was playing at an underage party which happens one sunday once a month, I thought I couldn't go because I didn't have $20 and it would be sooo packed, but I found out if I was to buy a ticket it would have been ticket number 5, So I thought "what the hell". 
Me being a dag, I asked my mum could Lisa come, my mum shouted my friend a cool, and we dressed the same...dag city, we wore purple baggies and a black shirts..sad! 

Anyway when arrived at the concert at 12:30pm *it was opening at 1pm but Ness wasn't onstage til 4:30pm*. We got in and went the front of that stage, my friend Lisa went and got refreshments while I held our spot, then we saw Nessa come in the side dorr and scramble up the stairs at around 4pm the crowd screamed, she poked her head out, did a cheesy smile and ran up the stairs to get ready, then we heard that starting to 'Pray for love' the crowd thought it was another song they were playing to keep us happy, but I think I was the only Amorosi fan there! I screamed and cheered and people stared I sat on the front of the stage and Ness came out, I think then the crowd realised what I was doing, she sang the song and afterwards told me to get my butt of stage if I wasn't in the band I poked my toungue out at her and she laughed, I hopped off and she talked for awhile, then she goes "I don't know if anyone knows this song but here goes" and 'Absolutely Everybody' started and the crowd screamed and I was singing along with everyone else *The sad thing was though that the people only knew the words to Shine, Absolutely Everybody and parts of Have a look tsk tsk* she finished that and went into 'Dolphins cry' by Live of course I sang out loud to that to, after that she sat down and was telling everyone about her album, I jumped up and down showing off mine she said "yep yep thats it, calm down girl, I don't want to kill a fan" then she stood up and as soon as she said "This song is dedicated to Liana Sabec" I knew it was 'Shine' she did the version that she did on The Panel, then she sang 'The Power','U R Mine','I wanna be your everything' and she was saying how most of us wouldn't know the next song as the single was going to be realeased the next day *it was 'Shine'* and she sang 'Steam' but I had already visited Napster and saw 'Steam', I hadn't heard it downloaded it, learnt it, then deleted it..she saw me singing it, and when the rap was sposed to be one she asked how I knew the words, I said I had the internet, and she nodded and laughed and continued singing then she did one chorus acoustically of 'Absolutely Everybody' and then she said bye. 

I thought that was the end, but me being me, I went up to a security guard who standing infront of some stairs, I asked him where Vanessa was and he pointed to the top of the stairs and he said "You wanna see her aye" I was like yeah totally..and he told me she wasn't doing signings for another ten minutes as she was showering and getting changed I sighed and walked away having to wait and the guard said to me "That doesn't mean I aint gonna let you go up" he let me and my friend Lisa through without anyone seeing us, he closed off the stairs I went up and waited and Ness came out and was surprised we were there early, I talked to her for awhile and when people started coming in a backed away with my friend Lisa and watched everyone come and go, and she asked me if I wanted my album signed I got her to, I was so caught up in the moment i forgot to get he to sign my cd, and the inside cover, oh well, then I gave her a letter and told her I wanted to be a singer aswell, she asked me to sing ssomething I sang a peice of SHINE and she gave me a small round of applause and told me never give up, I said goodbye to her and got hug, my friend Lisa did take a phoyo of me and her and I did take a hoto of her and Lisa and of the concert but Kodak stuffed up my I havenothing but a memory and signiture, if I see her again I am sure to take my mums camera and a good roll of film and I wont forget all my singles and the power!!! 

If you have any Vanessa Encounters that you would like me to put up please send them to: