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My LetterFromNess

Below there are two letters I recieved from Vanessa and alsoa message that was posted in the guestbook of this site, I'm not 100% sure that the guestbook message is really from Vanessa, but it seems like it.

Name: Vanessa
Comments: Wow! All these nice site all about me! Thanks Whitney. Mark has promised to update the website soon, so I look forward to you rejoining my club again. I miss Australia a lot but Im sure looking forward to the commonwealth games! I know we'll come out on top. To Christine, thanks for you continued support. Mar Jac says they'll update the wesite soon and I look forward to you joining up soon. I had a look at your pet Whitney and they are lovely! Good luck in the future and thanks for creating a lovely website.
Lotsa love, 
Vanessa Amorosi

                                                                                                Friday, July 26th 2002 - 07:51:27 PM