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Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty is a world wide concern for all animals. Millions of animal are exploited at the hands of humans every year. There are thousand upon thousands of  stories of animal cruelty. Like the stories about dancing bears and orangutans and chimpanzees that watch as there parents are killed by poachers or stories of how animals are you to test cosmetics.

I saw a story on TV about a gorilla named Michael. His parents had been killed infront of him. The lady that was looking after him had taught him signed language and one day he told the story of how his parents where killed. He signed that there was a loud sharp noise, cut throat and then he signed sad sad bad sad. Animals like Michael are scared for life because of the horrible thing that are done to them. But thankfully there is hope thanks to organizations like WSPA, Animal Liberation and PETA. Below are some animal organizations links. Please show your support.

This very sad dog has been neglected and mistreated through out its life.

Below are some links to animal organisations that help to stop animal cruelty.



Not Tested On Animals