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Dad was a member of the American Psychological Association, so he made it a point to attend their annual conventions so he could meet fellow Psychologists and promote his new business. He printed a small catalog and developed a basic line of products. Soon the orders were coming in from University Psychology Departments all over the United States and a few foreign countries.

Within a couple of years it was necessary for him to hire someone to help with the machining of parts, etc. By about 1955 Dad decided that he would quit his teaching job and devote his entire work day to his business. He rented a larger space a few blocks from home and moved the operation there.

Following the death of my grandfather, Dr. Tilden Scherer, we moved to a larger house so that my grandmother could live with us. My parents stayed in that house until my Dad retired and they moved to Florida. The new house was a bit closer to Dad's work than the old house. It was also directly across the street from Chandler Junior High School, where I attended from 1957 until 1960. It was quite convenient for me to stop by Dad's work after school. I learned a lot about running the machines, packing for shipment, sending out correspondence, electronic wiring, and many other things that come in handy today.

Psychological Instruments Company was never a very profitable company. Even though Dad made excellent products that were bought by people from all over the US and around the world, Dad never seemed to be willing to charge enough to make a decent profit. Sometimes orders were several months behind in being filled, while we had our water or gas cut off because we couldn't pay the bills.

Nevertheless, I am proud of the important contribution that my Dad made to the field of Psychology, and of his hard working attitude. He never seemed to like to sit around and read or watch TV. There was always some project that he needed to be doing in his "shop".

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