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I'd like to tell you about my friend
Who means more than words could say
Who's happy laugh and witty words
Brings new meaning to my day
His name is Paul, but I call him Fossil
As he's way up over the hill
Day and night he'll drive around
Never one that can stand still
He's been around our crazy world
Meeting people along the way
Friends and lovers have come and gone
But in his heart is where they'll stay
You only have to ask him once
And he'll do all he can for you
Whether it's advice or a computer problem
Just ask and he will do
He's been in love many times
Had his heart torn in two
But with these women he remains their friends
As for them,there's nothing he wouldn't do
So if your ever lucky like me
To come across your own Paul
Treat him with love and respect
Be there should he fall
Well Fossil my friend, this one's for you
My friend, my mate and more
And to all the days that come and go
Its you I'll be there for.........

Submitted by Jodii