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A Lil' Bit about Trevor Penick

Yess, I know, Trevor has nothing to do with Westlife, blah, blah. But I have such a massive crush on this man that I just had to include him on my site. My commentary is in the ((())). So here is a lil bit about Trevor Penick, in case you don't know him:

Name: Trevor Penick

Age: 21 (((okay, only a 4 year diffenrence!!)))

Birthday: November 16, 1979

From: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Occupation: Boyband member extraordinare (((okay he's in OTown, yuuuccchh)))


A handsome native of California, Trevor is a theater major at California State Fullerton. Trevor admits that it was his personality and charisma that got him the callback. He loves The Backstreet Boys and was often teased by his fraternity brothers for his devotion to pop music. Trevor couples a strong dance talent with a humility that sometimes overwhelms him. Trevor's drive to succeed stems from his desire to make his parents proud and to reward the sacrifices they made to send him to college.

Q and A:

Q: What about you makes you an interesting roommate?

A: My wide range of music, from rap to country, pop, alternative. I could pretty much get along with anyone's music. I also have a Backstreet Boys shirt hanging on my wall. Pretty interesting, huh? (((wow- me too Trevor!!)))

Q: How would someone who really knows you describe your best traits?

A: Trevor is outgoing, animated, caring, thoughful, funny. He's a great performer and he's always in a good mood. (((me too, except for that always in a good mode thing.)))

Q: How would someone who really knows you describe your worst traits?

A: He's kind of irresponsible, and a little dirty when it comes to little papers around in his room. (((i'm pretty responsible)))

Q: Describe your most embarassing moment in life.

A: I was sixteen and I am a very popular guy in school and some of us were practicing for powder puff cheerleading after school. A bunch of people were watching and I did a leg kick and fell on my butt in front of everyone.

Q: Describe your fantasy date.

A: My fantasy woman and I taking a plane just the two of us, with a candlelight dinner and flying over the Virgin Islands. (((ohhh, that sounds nice...)))

Q: What was the last unusual, exciting or spontaneous outling you instigated for you and you friends?

A: A turnaround trip to Las Vegas. It was 10 o'clock and we weren't doing anything and I threw out the idea of Vegas and we all got up and went.

Q: Who is the most important person in your life right now?

A: My father. He is the reason I'm here... I just know that my time with him is valuable. He's been working two jobs since my mom doesn't have a job. He works from 5am - 11pm everyday but Sunday.

Q: Describe a major event that's affected your familly.

A: My mother had a heart attack on Feb.3, 1999 and then another one on Mother's Day (May 10). It has helped our familly realize how quickly one can be gone and it has made our love so strong. (((wow Trevor, i'm sorry, my dad had a strock too a few years ago.)))

Q: What is your greatest fear?

A: Losing either of my parents. I love them both so much and they've been such a big inspiration on my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. (((thats one of my biggest fears too!!)))

Q: If you had Aladdin's Lamp and three wishes, what would they be?

A: 1. My parents see me live a full life 2. To be a finalist 3. To have fame (((weelll i have to disagree with you on those Trevor, maybe a bit selfish on your part, ehh? I would say to for my parents to get back together for good, to help all the homeless people, and see world peace)))

Q: What CD is in your walkman right now, and what is your favorite cut off the album?

A: Will Smith Willenium and Who am I -song 7 (((me- Beatles Magical Mystery Tour and song -5 your mother should know)))

Q: You have a Backstreet Boy shirt hanging on your wall. Which Backstreet member do you feel you have the most in common with and why?

A: A.J. Because I feel that we both have the same kind of energy and stage presence. (((howie's my fav.)))

Q: Hold old were you when you received your first kiss, and how did it happen?

A: 12. The last day of 8th grade I kissed my girlfriend for the first time. (((i was 10, and i french kissed my boyfriend behind my house)))

Q: What is going to be your first "big baller" purchase when you receive your first phat check?

A: Whatever my parents want.

Q: Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect and what is your collection like now?

A: I don't really collect anything except for things that are personal to me and mean a lot. I have drawers full of stuff. (((i collect saved by the bell stuff)))

Q: If you attended the MTV Music Video Awards, which artist would you want to meet most and why?

A: Will Smith because of how much I have looked up to him for son long because he is such a good role model who is so talented and out personalities seem so similar.

Q: You've claimed to like music ranging from rap to country. If you could put together a country artist and a rap artist for a duet…who would it be and why?

A: Bone Thugs n Harmony and Mindy Meready because I think that Mindys voice would sound incredible with Bone's flavor.

Q: You're a giant fan of Will Smith…which movie of his was your favorite and why?

A: Enemy of the State because it was a great thriller and he did such a good job and earned a lot of respect as an actor.

Q: What was the first concert you attended, and who did you go with?

A: Boyz II Men. I went with my sister and one of her friends and my friend Jerrod Kilde. (((me-Elton John)))

Q: What is your best pick up line? When and where was the last time you used it?

A: I don't use pick up lines. (((good, i hate 'em)))

Q: Do you have any nicknames, and do you like being called them or is it annoying?

A: I have a nickname from my fraternity and it is Midol because I was really moody my 1st semester of college because I missed high school so much.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

A: Changing the music industry or if it doesn't work out, pursuing my dream of being an actor. (((me- hopefully being an archaeologist in Italy, married, w/kids, with Trevor!! lol prolly not)))

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(on a side note: i got almost all this info from Otown Fan site which is at . Thanks!!)