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A is for audition - Bryan and Nicky nearly weren't included in the band at all. They went along to the audition with their mates for a laugh and ended up getting picked!
B is for broken nose - "I broke my nose playing football when I was 12", says Bryan. "I did a dirty tackle and turned round and this guy twice my size came over and punched me. I ran home crying!"
C is for croissants - Nicky detests this French breakfast food. "I can't understand why people eat them! They're disgusting!" he says. Nicky also hates Mayonnaise
D is for dancing - "I wouldn't say we're brilliant dancers but we can dance", says Shane. "A lot of the tracks we've done so far are quite slow so all we have to do is walk around! But we've recorded an uptempo track now and so we've started working on a routine for that"
E is for early mornings - Don't rub Kian up the wrong way first thing in the morning! He's usually really grumpy , so he's best avoided!
F is for family man - Mark's a real homeboy at heart and really misses his folks when he's on the road. He spends a fortune phoning them on his mobile and tries to get home to see them whenever he can.
G is for Grease - Mark, Shane and Kian first met when they were starring in a production of this well-known musical.
H is for Haagen Dazs - "I love Haagen Dazs Cookies and cream, I've introduced all the lads to it", says Nicky.
I is for international travel - The boys are really excited to be visiting so many different countries, especially Nicky. "Last year I booked a holiday to Tenerife but then I found out I was going to be in the band. I spoke to our managers about it, and they said it wouldn't be a problem, but I didn't really think I should - after all it was the launch of the band. To me it was more important to get out there and start working, so I cancelled it"
J is for jolly good mates - "Nicko's my best mate in the band", says Bryan. "That's because Dubs (Dublin lads) stick together. My best friend at home is Eddie. I've known him since I was three. We're like brothers"
K is for Keating - That's Ronan Keating in case you'd forgotten! Ro gets really involved with every aspect of the boys' careers, whether it's booking gigs or buying clothes - hardly suprising since they're his main project! It Seems Ronan's a bit of a strict boss too. "He wouldn't even let me buy a suit without advice from him first!", says Shane.
L is for lunch - Japanese is Nicky's favourite type of cuisine.
M is for make-up - Kian can't stand the stuff! He hates having to wear it for photoshoots or TV appearances. It's not that he thinks it's girlie, he just reckons that it clogs up his pores!
N is for nice pants - You won't catch Nicky wearing saggy old y-fronts under his trousers. In fact, the snappy dresser won't wear anything other than Calvin Klein boxers and if you're thinking of sending him any, rumour has it he's a medium size!
O is for Oh my god! - "I've got about 110 phobias", quivers Nicky. "I hate lifts. Glass ones aren't so bad but I'd crack up if I got stuck in one I couldn't see out of!"
P is for Piano - Kian loves tinkling on the piano. He's got up to grade eight in his exams and reckons if he weren’t in the band he'd be a piano teacher. He also plays guitar, clarinet and saxophone. What a clever lad!
Q is for quite good at sums - Wanna know the square root of 1,495? Ask Shane - he studied accountancy at college. Brainy or what?
R is for ring ring - Like all pop stars, Westlife have to be prised away from their mobile phones. Kian, Nicky and Mark all claim they'd be lost without theirs.
S is for saddle up! - Shane likes nothing better than pulling on his jodphurs and going for a bit of a canter on horseback. Back home in Ireland, Shane's parents have got 50 of them!
T is for trouble free complexion - Mark washes his face everytime he washes his hands. "It doesn't do him any harm", says Shane. "I've known him since he was ten and he's never had a single spot!"
U is for uniform - Kian used to be a kissogram and wore see-through trousers, checked boxer shorts and a dicky-bowtie. Lovely!
V is for vanity - According to Bryan, Kian is without a doubt the vainest Westlifer.
W is for Westside - The name Westside was the band's original name until they had to change it. The reason for this was that there were too many merchandising companies in America with the same name.
X is for X-files type things - Mark loves scaring himself by listening to ghost stories and easily gets worked up about spooky happenings. Once he even convinced himself that his granny's cat, Snowy, was going to come back from the dead and haunt him - but it never did!
Y is for yummy! - Those Westlifers are all growing lads and love their nosh. Kian loves a good old fried breakfast, Nicky can't get enough sushi, Shane's partial to the odd chocolate bar or three, while the whole band will do anything for a bag of chips!
Z is for 'Zut Alors!' - He may be completely gorgeous, but don't ask Mark to help you out with your French homework - he's completely rubbish at it! "I went to France on a school exchange a few years ago. I was only just starting to learn French then, so I didn't have a clue what anyone was saying half the time! I was constantly asking the teachers what things meant and I think they got really sick of me in the end. I was so annoying!"