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 When Kian was 12, he was really into rock music and he grew his hair. "I used to wear a bandana too - just like Axel Rose!” he says.
 Shane's family has 40 horses. They all have the first name of Carlton after the family restaurant. Shane's favorite is called Carlton Flight.
 Westlife are in the process of hiring a security guard. It's getting to the stage where the band are getting lots of attention and obviously need some extra help to keep all the fans at arms length!
 Kian refuses to ditch his battered old Ford Fiesta! The heartthrob's been spotted in his hometown of Sligo at the wheel of his 198. Kian insists he won't be swapping it for a flashy BMW because he'd probably smash it up! "I don't care what people think. I'm learning to drive so there's no point in buying a BMW. I've already bashed the Fiesta on the gateposts at home!"
 Those Westlife lads enjoy nothing better than a hearty breakfast in the morning. Nicky and Bryan explain. Bryan: "I always have a proper breakfast. Usually I have a bowl of All Bran every morning but Nicky has a cooked breakfast every day. Nicky: "I hate cereal. I like it sometimes but it can make me feel ill. Ideally if we're not in a rush I'll have a fry-up. The full works - black pudding, white pudding.... It’s like black pudding except it's white! Bryan: "Yeah, we have all races of pudding in Ireland!"
 Shane hates when women wear panty hose and open toed shoes. Also when people wear white socks and black shoes although he admits to doing it when he thought he was Michael Jacksom
 When Westlife were on a recent trip to Australia, one of the first places they visited was the set of Home and Away. Although Shane was very excited, Nicky wasn't that impressed because he's a devoted Neighbors fan!
 Mariah Carey loves Westlife and wants to record a song with them!
 When Westlife were filming the video for Seasons in the Sun, Bryan had a little accident with a hose! "I'd just got made-up when I picked up this hose that we used to make the rain. I was just looking at it when it went off right in my face! I stood there with make-up running down my face and my clothes were ruined because there was make-up all over them. Everyone went mad, but I just stood there laughing"
 Have you ever wondered what that large jeweled thing is that Nicky sometimes wears around his waist? Well it's called an 'Obi sash' and it's actually a classic Japanese sash originally intended to hold up kimonos!
 Kian loves buying aftershave. Apparently his favorites are Jean-Paul Gaultier, Polo Sport and Joop.
 Bryan once smashed up a hotel wardrobe whilst he was wrestling with the other lads, but luckily they got away with it!
 Kian loves clothes and never leaves the house unless he's looking 100% perfect. He even lays his clothes out the night before to make sure everything "goes".
 When Bryan was 12, he broke his nose playing football. Apparently he performed a dodgy tackle on another player who then came after him and bopped him!
 One of the many jobs that Mark did before he joined Westlife included delivering pizzas!
 If young Nicky hadn't joined Westlife, he'd have been a policeman! He'd passed his exams and was just about to sign up when he found out that he was going to be in the group.
 Whilst Mark's dead proud to be from Ireland, he apparently hates having an Irish accent. He thinks that it makes him sound like a farmer!
 One of the lad’s favorite insults for each other is "Shut up you Deutz". Deutz is Irish for stupid.
 Mark used to have a crush on Kristy Wright who played Chloe in the Australian soap Home and Away. He was totally bonkers about her for years!
 Kian hates having to wear make-up for photoshoots. He reckons it clogs up his pores!
 You won't catch Nicky wearing saggy old Y-fronts under his trousers. The snappy dresser won't wear anything other than Calvin Klein.
 Shane never goes to bed without saying his prayers. He tries to go to church on Sundays too. "If I miss a week, I feel really bad" he reveals.
 Kian loves playing the piano. He got up to grade eight in his exams and reckons that if he weren’t in the band he'd be a piano teacher.
 Westlife sometimes don't get the chance to do their hair in the mornings, but they have developed a great trick to hide that! They just stick on a baseball cap!
 Despite being dead famous, the lads have managed to keep their feet firmly on the ground. "Every couple of weeks we have a chat and make sure everyone is still grounded and that no one's got any problems" reveals Nicky.
 Mark loves scaring himself by listening to ghost stories and easily gets worked up about spooky happenings. Once he even convinced himself that his granny's cat, Snowy was going to come back from the dead and haunt him - but it never did.
 On their recent tour of America, the lads lost some of their belongings at New York's JFK airport. Fans that stole jackets, bags, rings and even clumps of Bryan’s hair besieged them! Scary!
 Bryan says he'll only be famous when he has five Ferrari's, seven houses, Cameron Diaz on his arm and a little man following him around with a huge bag of money.
 When Kian broke up with his first serious girlfriend, he was gutted. The night he split up with her, he went to a club and ended up spending the night slumped in a corner crying his eyes out.
 When Nicky was 17 and living in Leeds, he went round loads of nightclubs with three other Irish friends pretending they were members of OTT and were best mates with Boyzone! Cheeky!
 When Shane and Bryan were asked about whether they'd follow David Beckham's lead and wear a ladies thong, they said they'd jump at the chance! Ooh!
 Bryan loves McDonalds so much that he can't walk past one of their restaurants without going inside! "I just can't stop eating their burgers!" he confesses.
 Nicky once stole from his best friend. Everyone in Nicky's class at school was given a ticket to the circus, but Nicky wanted two so he stole his friend's ticket from his pencil case. The tinker!
 Bryan once wore his sister's pink bra on holiday for a laugh. She took a pic and still has it on her wall at home!

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