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*^* FACTS PAGE 3*^*

 Shane was once caught spying on his neighbor. She was getting undressed in the house next to his and as she went to pull the blind down, she saw the little scamp peeking in!  Mark once snogged two cousins in one night!
 When Westlife are out and about, Kian's been known to moon at car drivers from the tour bus windows!
 The lads once appeared on Italian TV without any underwear on! They thought it'd be a laugh to 'go commando'
 Bryan and Kian once dated the same girl without either of them realizing. Doh!  Shane was once caught flashing on the beach.... Well, almost! He was changing out of his trunks when some girls walked by.
 When Bryan was a baby, he peed in his auntie’s face!
 Shane's favorite part of a clothes catalogue used to be the ladies lingerie section. He says that that was where he got his first glimpse of real women!
 Kian was really naughty when he was little. He was always smashing his neighbor’s windows!
 Nicky was his head master's pet. Whenever he got caught kissing a girl, only the girl got into trouble and not him!
 Bryan used to get lines at school for continually dropping farts in class.
 When Shane was little, he owned a soft toy cat. He loved it to bits, but he used to hide from his mates when they came round to his house because he thought it was really embarrassing to own!
 Shane was nearly done for speeding - he only got off because he sweet-talked the policeman (or so he says anyway!)
 Mark was once weed on by his auntie’s cat!
 Kian used to be a kissogram. His uniform consisted of a pair of see through trousers, some polka dot boxers, a dicky bow tie and lots of oil. Ooh!
 Mark used to drive his parent’s car up and down the drive when he was just 13 years old!
 When Bryan was little, he used to put bleach in milk bottles!
 Kian is horrible to Nicky about his fear of lifts. He is always pretending that the lift is stuck when they are in it.
 Kian has impersonated Marilyn Monroe and Cilla Black for variety shows.
 Shane always used to snog his girlfriend's mates and would often go out with a girl purely for that reason.
 Bryan is always getting caught peeing in public!
 Mark once dressed up as a woman for a Scout show.
 Nicky once snogged eleven girls in on night!
 Bryan once made Ronan's best mate puke. He swapped his drink for vinegar when he wasn't looking and he puked up everywhere!
 A washing line once saved Kian’s life. He slipped and fell off a balcony whilst on holiday and the only thing that saved him was the fact that his foot got caught in the washing line and broke his fall!
 Shane once wore the same pair of pants for three days running. (Ok who never did that??)
 Kian's favorite food is steak and chips.
 Nicky's little brother Adam is training to be an actor.
 Bryan hated school so much that he was sent home on his very first day. He apparently flicked an elastic band at his teacher’s head!
 Mark is fluent in Gaelic
 Shane still suffers from a knee injury that he got three years ago playing rugby. This makes every dance routine quite painful but he never complains about it.
 Shane was kicked in the head when he was little.
 Kian reckons he's been on dates with over thirty girls but has had only three serious relationships.
 Bryan is a terrible sleepwalker. He often wakes up in strange places.
 When Bryan was little, he used to cut all of his hair off the day before a big family gets together!
 Nicky's confessed that he's taken to eating loads of fish and chips recently. "I've started to break out in loads of spots and feel really unhealthy", he says, so I'm drinking lots of water to try and clean myself out!"
 When Bryan and Nicky went out for a day with their mates, things didn't go quite as planned. The twosome went go karting with five pals and had such good fun that they ended up breaking six of the cars they were driving! The boys got into loads of trouble and were barred from the track! "It was scary being told off, but we had loads of fun" chuckled naughty Nicky

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