Its so easy. Why not make fun of Willa?

I got these jokes from Free Willa and Boycott Willa (THE BEST ANTI-WILLA SITES ON THE WEB!)

If you have any Willa jokes email me and I'll give you full credit.

Q: What did Shmandy say when she opened a box of Cheerios? A: "Oh look doughnut seeds!"

thanks to athena for these next few: Did you hear about how Willa was found frozen to death in Nick's Prowler at the drive-in movie theater? She went to see "Closed for Winter".

Why doesn't Willa like making KOOL-AID? Because she can't fit 8 cups of water in the packet.

Willa walks up to a Pepsi machine and puts in 50 cents. Out pops a Pepsi. She looks amazed and runs away to get some more money. She returns and starts feeding the machine madly and of course the machine keeps poping out drinks. Nick walks up behind Willa, and watches her antics for a few minutes before stopping and asking if someone else could have a go. Willa spins around and screams in Nicks's face, "Can't you see I'm winning?!?!"

Willa is hysterical because she fears Nick is having an affair, so she goes to a gun shop and buys a handgun. Then one day she comes home and finds Nick in bed with another woman. She grabs the gun and holds it to her own head. Nick jumps out of bed, pleading her to not shoot herself. She quickly screamed to Nick saying, "Shut're next!"

Willa was walking through the woods and came to some tracks. Willa said, "These look like rabbit tracks, no deer tracks, no moose tracks, no bird tracks no.." and she was still deciding what kind of tracks they were when the train hit her.

One night AJ decides to try ventriliquism again at a coffee shop him Willa, Nick and the other Backstreet Boys are at. He's going through his usual run of stupid blonde jokes, when Willa (while she still has blond hair) stands on her chair and says: Okay Asshole, I'm sick of your really, really not nice jokes about blonds? What makes you think you can, like, think all blonds are like that? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work, all in the name of humor." Flustered, the AJ begins to apologize, then Willa lashes out, "You stay out of this AJ, I'm talking to that little bastard on your knee!"

manDUH/Willa: *while in the shower* Nick, why isn't there any shampoo here? Nick: What do you mean? I just bought some this morning! manDUH/Willa: The shampoo in here says FOR DRY HAIR only. My hair's wet!

Thanks to Kristine!

Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, and Willa are in a car that gets stranded in the desert... Britney says,"ok lets all get something to keep us cool and meet up over there...". Britney takes a fan. Jessica takes water. After a while of waiting Willa comes up with a car door. Jessica asks," what did ya bring that for?" Willa replies,"if I get too hot I can roll down the window!"

Q: What do you do when ManDUH throws a grenade at you? A: Pull the pin and throw it back!

ManDuh and her 2 friends died and went to heaven. God told them that they could do whatever they wanted except for pushing the red button. They had a great time in heaven but one day one of her friends disappeared and they started to look for her. They couldn’t find her! After a while she came back with the ugliest guy alive!! “I pushed the red button!!”, she said looking sad. The next day ManDuh's other friend disappeared and later she came back with an ugly guy! He was even worse then the first guy. “I pushed the red button”, she said not looking very happy! After a few days ManDuh disappeared and her friends couldn’t find her. They looked for days but she was gone!! After a week ManDuh came back with the hottest guy!! He was sooo fine! With an unhappy face he said, “I pushed the red button!” Thanks to Kickyh

Q: why does manduh spend hours staring at a frozen orange juice? A: Because it says "concentrate"

Q: How do you confuse Manduh? A: You don't, she's born that way.

Little Boy: Hey, mommy, look, is that cousin IT? Mother: No, that's just Manduh Little Boy: why is she all hairy? Mother: 'cuz she couldn't tell the difference between the handle and the blade of her shaver.

You: Hi manduh, i'm rising money for the manduh organization, care to donate? we need only 1,000 people to give us some money and then you'll be a star! Manduh: Oh OK! (drops in five dollars) how many more people do you need? You: (starts running away and yelling back) one down, 999 to go!

thanks to Misty

Mandy was going to Jamaica. She boarded the airplane and chose a seat at the front. The stewardess went around checking the tickets an saw she was in the wrong seat and section. The stewardess said, "Excuse me ma'am. You are in the wrong section and seat. You are supposed to be in coach, not first class." The lady looked up at her and said, "LOOK, I am a gorgeous gurl with a figure to die for and I go out with Nick Carter. I am on vacation and you will not get me to move." So the stewardess moved on and came back to her again a bit later. Mandy continued her her arguement and proceeded to tell her how perfect she was. The stewardess, at the point of exasperation, then went and got the head stewardess to handle the matter. Mandy proceeded to tell her, "Look, I am tall, long-legged, gorgeous brown hair, deep brown eyes, I go out with Nick Carter and i have body to kill for. I am on vacation, I am going to Jamaica and I am not moving." The head stewardess realized she had a standoff and went to the cockpit and spoke to the pilot. He decided to pay the blonde a visit. "How are you doing today, ma'am?" he asked. "I AM NOT MOVING," she said. So the pilot reached down and whispered something in her ear. She jumped up--boy was she ever pissed--gathered all her things and went to the back to her seat in coach. The two stewardesses were puzzled. "What ever did you say to her to make her move? We tried everything." "I told her the front of the plane wasn't going to Jamaica."

A brunette, redhead, and Mandy are at a party. It gets busted up by the cops so the three girls run outside and attempt to hide to avoid being arrested. They see three potato sacks lying there so they each climb in one. The cops go up to the first one with the brunette in it, kick it lightly, and the brunette goes, "Ruff!" The officers figure the puppy playing in the bag can't get into any trouble so they leave it be. They move onto the sack with the redhead in it, kick it lightly, and hear, "Meow". They decide that a kitten can't get into any trouble either, so they leave it be. The officers move onto the bag with Mandy in it. They walk up to it, kick it lightly, and Mandy goes, "Potato!"

Thanks to GlowingSunShine for these next few: A brunette, a red head, and Willa, are getting the death penalty. The are going to be shot at by the soilders. The brunette comes and is in place. The guy says," Ready, aim, " and the brunette screams, "Tornado!" They all run outside and the brunette escapes. Next the red head comes in and is in place. The guy says "Ready, aim..." and the red head screams," Volcano!" They all run outside and the red head escapes. When it was Willa's turn the guy says, "Ready, aim..." and Willa screams, "FIRE!"

The people are going to get the death penalty. One of them is Willa. They are going to be executed by the electric chair. The first guy comes in. They told them that if nothing happens when they pull the switch they can leave. The first guy comes in and they ask him, " Do you have any last words?" He said, " Tell my wife and kids that I love them." They pull the switch and nothing happens so he got to leave. The next guy comes in and they ask him, " Do you have any last words?" He said, " Tell my wife and kids that I love them." They pulled the switch and nothing happened so he got to leave. The Willa came in and they asked her, " Do you have any last words?" She said, " Yeah, you forgot to plug in the chair."

Why does Willa have tire tread marks on her back? From crawling across the street when the sign said "DON'T WALK".

When the computer said "Press any key to continue", Willa didn't know what to do, she couldn't find the "Any" key.

Nick fell off the boat and yelled up to Willa to throw him a lifesaver. She called back "Cherry or Orange?"

One day Willa decided to die her hair brown because she did not want to be known as a dumb blond, so she became a brunette. She was driving down the highway when she saw a guy standing with a flock of sheep so she pulled over and got out of the car. "If I can guess how many sheep you have in your flock can I take one?" she asked. "Sure," He said. "Um, 137." "Wow that is exactly right." He said. "So I can have one?" she asked. "Yeah pick any one you want." When she was putting the sheep in her car he said to her," Hey, if I can guess what your real hair color is can I have my dog back."

What are the three words ManDUH hates to hear Nick say when having sex? "Honey, I'm home!"

ManDUH is going to confession one day. "Forgive me for Father, for I have sinned," she begins. "Yes my child, what is your sin?" "Vanity, Father. Every day I look at myself in the mirror and can't help but think of just how beautiful I am." The priest pulls back the curtain to get a look at her. "Good news, my child. That is not a sin. That is a misconception."

Manduh is so stupid she kept going outside to check her mailbox. Again and again, she would walk outside, check the box, find it empty, and come back inside. Finally, Nick got annoyed and asked her why the hell she kept doing that. "Well," she explained, "The computer keeps saying, 'You've got mail."

Q: What's a good way to really confuse Manduh? A: Put her in a circular room and tell her to sit in a corner!

Manduh and her mom were in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of Nick's Mercedes with a coat hanger but they couldn't get it. Manduh's mom stopped for a moment to catch her breath and Manduh said anxiously "Hurry up it's starting to rain and the top is down!"

Thanks to Nikki for these next few: How do you drown ManDUH? put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.

ManDUH went to the doctor and told him how everything she touched hurt. She touched her leg, and it hurt. She touched her nose, and it hurt. No matter what she touched she hurt. After ManDUH explained it all to him and was in tears because she kept touching herself and it hurt, the doctor said simply...."Your finger is broken."

What's one way to confuse ManDUH? give her a bag of M&M's and tell her to put them in alphabectical order.

It was a bright sunny day and ManDUH went to the mall. She forgot to put the top up on her convertable when she went inside. After hours of spending Nick's money she figured she should go home. It had started to drizzle so she ran to her car. She broke down into tears when she couldn't find her car keys, because she couldn't unlock her car doors.

Manduh called Nick one morning and said, "This jigsaw puzzle is really hard. None of the pieces fit together. Can you come over and help me?" Nick: "What's it supposed to be?" Manduh: "A rooster." Nick went over to her house, looked at the puzzle and said,"Mandy, put the cornflakes back in the cereal box."

Thanks to Jenny, Kickyh and Charlotte for these next few: Why did ManDUH and her 16 friends wait outside the nightclub? You have to be 18 to get in!

ManDUH and her parents are so stupid that when they went to Disneyworld they saw a sign that said "Disneyworld left" -so they went back home.

Nick: - Manduh made me a millionaire. Person: - What were you before that? Nick: - A multimillionaire...

What's the difference between ManDUH and a rabbit, both killed by a car? - There are breakmarks infront of the rabbit...

What's the difference between ManDUH and a bag of shit? You probably wouldn't kick the bag of shit...

How do you know that ManDUH have used the computer? There's white out all over the screen...

Why is ManDUH standing in front of the mirror with her eyes closed?? - She wants to know what she looks like when she's asleep...

ManDUH is about to eat her lunch, when she opens the lunchbox and all the food falls out she screams hysterically; Damn, Nick put the food in the lid again!

ManDUH is stripping infront of Nick, who'd much rather watch the B-ball game on TV. - Can't you see what I'm doing?? She yells when she's almost naked. - Yes, says Nick, But could you please sort the laundrey somewhere else, I'm Watching TV here.

Thanks to Dennisse for these two: Question: Whats the difference of MANDY and a BUCKET OF SHIT ?? Answer: THE BUCKET !!
