Willa News

February 11, 2002

The always tasteful Ms. Ford has posed nude for Blender magazine. I have no freakin clue what Blender magazine is and I'm sure most of the free world doesn't either. Which would explain why they would let Willa pose at all much less naked. Anyway, if you wanna see the pic click here. You can't see anything because she's laying down and her butt is kinda out of focus. So its not like pornogaphic but still vomit worthy. In the article for this magazine she is reported as saying that she won't pose for Playboy for a long time. She won't be posing for playboy until hell freezes over. She seems to have forgotten you can't have the body of a ten year old boy to pose in Playboy. And it would help if you were the slightest bit attractive.

August 14, 2001

Hey, I noticed on my link page today that hardly any of them worked. So I sifted through them all and took off links that were shut down, took off links that led to nowhere, and added new links. So go check em out. Also, vote for my site for the Top 100 Anti-Willa sites. PLEASE!!!

July 27, 2001

Hey guys, It seems like its been years since I've updated. So I decided to go all out and update almost everything. If you haven't heard Willa's album entered the charts at a dismal #56. And her video hasn't been on TRL in a while now. Could this be the end of her career for good? We can only hope. Oh, and if your curious about Willa's album but don't want to but it (who would?) and haven't found a replacement for Napster, check out www.WinMX.com. It only takes like 5 minutes to download and its almost exactly like Napster.

December 29, 2000

Ok, Willa is doing something with Pantene Pro-V. There having a contest and she's either a judge or host or something. Its not real clear. Either way we really should let Pantene know what a bad choice they've made. This is going to give the beast a lot of publicity she just doesn't deserve. They also talk about how Willa is an independant woman and that she is working hard to get where she is. Hellloooo. Willa is the exact opposite. The website for the contest is www.provoice.com I can't find an email address to send comments to except on the Pantene Pro-V website. And I think that is for questions for haircare. So, when I find a way to get into contact with the people responsible for this I will let you know how to contact them asap.But, until then you can just keep emailing Jeffrey Newton ! And forward what he says to bsbluver4ever_2000@yahoo.com I'm sure he had his hand in this somewhere.

December 27, 2000 Here's a new picture from Willa's official site :

Look familiar? Its cause you just saw the exact same thing in Britney Spears "Stronger" video. Except Britney doesn't resemble a farm animal. LOOK AT THOSE TEETH!!! "hee-haaw"

Keep emailing Jeffrey Newton ! And forward what he says to bsbluver4ever_2000@yahoo.com.

December 4, 2000

Willa has a new officialwebsite. Its good for a laugh. I especially like the Bio. LMAO. These Atlantic people should lay off the peace pipe if ya know what I'm saying!* ;) ;)* You can also here clips of 2 new songs. You won't miss much by not listening. One is called "Ooh Ooh" *I'm biting my tongue sooooo hard not to comment on that one* and "The jokes on You" They're both pretty much the same over computerized sound as "I wanna be Bad". And the fact that Willa has no range doesn't help much. (BTW, in the bio it says that Willa considered doing opera. Helloooo, have you people heard her sing live? She can barely hold ANY note much less belt out the notes needed for opera.)

Here's the pic from the site(As you can see she's going for a Britney/Christina impersonation, with the clothes and the pink tips.)

If this is the pic that made the cut for the site I would HATE to see the one's that didn't. Willa's not a pretty girl but even her fans would have to admit she looks like crap here.

OH! Don't forget to email Jeffrey Newton ! And feel free to forward what he says to bsbluver4ever_2000@yahoo.com.

November 30, 2000 Its easy to see now why Willa was signed to Atlantic records. There are both rude and stupid. This is what I wrote to Jeffrey Newton from Atlantic. It wasn't the nicest thing I could have said but he DID deserve it and I could've been a lot worse :

One of the visitors to my site "Stop the WillaBeast" showed me the email you wrote her about Willa Ford in which you told her that you were going to take legal actions about her club and her emails AND others anti-Willa sites. Yeah, there's this little thing called the 1st ammendment which pretty much says you can't do jack. The people who run these sites are not stupid (thats precisely why we're not fans of Willa). Your empty threats do nothing but piss us off. I'd really watch what you say. I don't think you're aware of how many anti-sites are out there. Or how many hits they receive. We could easily start a full blown boycott of Atlantic. Now tell me, is Willa "talented" enough to risk that? No. Think what you want but I could really care less who Nick, or any of the other BSB date. Willa, is a perfect stereotypical woman who does nothing for themselves, including getting an education, and use a man to get them to the top. Don't even try to tell me you signed her because of talent. Because she has none. Simple as that. I defended all the Backstreet girlfriends cause I can't stand teenyboppers who hate them because they think they're going to marry Nick. And I still do defend the ones that deserve it. Willa isn't one of them. I can also understand you ebing mad about getting flooded with emails about Willa but you have no right to threaten people. Especially when the threats are outright lies. If anything all the negativity should open your eyes to the fact that signing Willa was a bad business move. You obviously didn't sign her for talent and whatever you thought you'd get out of it certainly isn't worth all this negative publicity now is it?

This was his reply:

The reason I ask for the emails and gossip to Atlantic Records email accounts to stop is because we are simply not interested in personal attacks. We will be happy to hear your comments once the album hits the stores. We did not threaten to shut down anti-willa sites. We asked not to recieve these emails. You are free to go about your business elsewhere. PLEASE STOP SENDING EMAILS TO US. WILLA IS SIGNED TO LAVA/ATLANTIC AND NOTHIING YOU WRITE WILL CHANGE THAT.

He says he made no threats yet thats EXACTLY what he did. Here is a direct quote from an email he sent to the girl I was talking about.

"I and the legal Department here at Atlantic Records will personally be watching for any negative emails that you and your "club" are sending. I suggest you think about the repercussions of slander and harassment before sending anymore of these ridiculous emails."

Ummm that sounds like a threat to me!!!

Here's some more!

"As I said in my last email, this email account and the anti-willa sites are being closely monitored and our legal staff is taking the appropriate measures to ensure that this does not continue. "

As you can see this guy is a total moron and was very rude in the rest of the emails. Since, he can't do crap about us emailing him I suggest that you ALL email Jeffrey Newton and tell him us anti-willa people do not like to be threatened. We get enough rudeness from Willa herself.

November 12, 2000

Our wishes have FINALLY come true. Nick is a single man!!! When asked on a live TV show in Germany if he was still with Mandy he said NO. THANK GOD!!! You can read the entire transcript here

September 17, 2000

Looks like there could be some trouble in paradise for Nick and Willa. I got this from Livedaily messageboards:

We walked around the corner and saw Mandy first....some girl screamed her name and they threw their arms around each other and hopping around like cheerleaders. Annoying is being nice.....anyway. My friend Manda goes, "And there's Nick." He just walked right by us...no bodyguard or nothin. So my other friend Chrissy had this mission to get her picture taken with all 5 Boys....and Nick was the only one she hadn't gotten her pic with...so she wanted to wait for him to come back. He walked out thru the gates between DisneyQuest and Virgin....20 feet in front of Mandy and looking HIGHLY annoyed that she was anywhere near him. He kept shaking his head at her. So we waited and he came back...and Chrissy went to ask him for her picture. He said that was fine but to follow him backstage so he didn't call anymore attention to himself. I think he was upset that people were noticing him....he didn't want to be the main attraction since it was his best friend's show. So I was watchin him while she was talking to him...and Mandy was ALL kinds of pissed off....I dunno what her problem was or whatever....but she gave Chrissy the dirtiest look and rolled her eyes. I let that slide....and watched Chrissy walk in back with Nick. 5 minutes later Chrissy comes walking back out and she was PISSED. I thought at first Nick had said something....but it was Mandy. Apparently while the picture was being taken Mandy made a smartass comment "And the saga begins...." I guess referring to the fact that Nick's attention was not on her and was on Chrissy. She said it loud enough for Chrissy to hear....so Nick heard it too. Chrissy....who is not one to keep her mouth shut....turned around and said "Hi Mandy." in a sticky sweet smartassed tone of voice....causing Nick to snicker. So Mandy gave her a dirty look again and goes, "Hi sweetheart." We walked into the show and were standing on the stairs...perfect view of Nick and Mandy up in the balcony. The song BIK sang was "Take the Pain Away." Nick wrote it...it was a poem of his that they turned into a song. We watched them the whole time....and he was nowhere near her...yet again. He'd lean back if she'd lean forward...and lean forward if she'd lean back. It finally ended up that she leaned forward and that's how it stayed. He'd come up every now and then to grab his drink and then lean back again. He was bobbing his head to the music....and she played with her hair the whole time. She looked highly bored....but did laugh when James made the comment about Pop Music ****ing.... We left after BIK was done....not our scene...and if one more person knocked me over or pushed Chrissy to the side...I was gonna go off. So we walked out of the doors and the girl goes, "There's no reentry..." she laughed her ass off when I went "Why the **** would I wanna come back in here?" So we turned around and almost ran right into Nick and Mandy again....I didn't even see them coming. Their arms were NOT linked and he was walking a good 10-20 feet in front of her....she caught site of us and again flashed a dirty look. We had to run to the car to put away our stuff before we headed to Pleasure Island....and they were in the parking lot, standing near a dark colored Explorer. Nick was standing against it...half asleep. Mandy's mom was there...I'm shocked by that. Why the hell her mother was there is beyond me. If it wasn't my scene it DEFENITELY wasn't hers. We left to go back in to eat and that was the last we saw of them. Chrissy had met Brent in Detroit before and when he saw us walk by HOB he stopped her and threw his arms around her (he's like REALLY short) and introduced us to his bandmembers and stuff. He was really really nice. He asked us how the show was....I let Chrissy answer. No heart to tell him they need a little work. They were good...don't get me wrong...but James has this thing for James Hetfield impersonations.....either he thinks he is or he wants to be. Either way....I dunno what you saw but Nick and Mandy were acting less than lovey dovey....I was shocked at how she could be such a bitch to people. I used to think she was ok....anyone who visits Whodaman knows I defended her. Not anymore...say what you will about her...that girl is a straight up bitch. None of us did anything to warrant the reaction we got...and she's lucky Nick was there....it was only my respect for HIM that stopped me from calling her ass out.

Hmmmmm..... Willa certainly was being her usual self. Maybe Nicky is getting a little closer to coming to his senses, seeing what a bitch she is, and dumping her sorry @$$. One can only hope.

August 17, 2000: Willa has been dropped from MCA. That is why her official site is gone. Apparently she is trying to get a contract with Atlantic records. (With Nick's help I'm sure) Contact Atlantic records and tell them how you feel about Willa!!!

Atlantic Records 9229 Sunset Blvd. 9th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069-2474

1290 Ave of the Americas New York, NY 10104-0498 212-707-2000

Patti Conte, 212/707-20


Laura Gold, 310/205-7412


Tracy Zamot, 212/707-2345


(I got this info from Boycott Willa )

Willa's official site has been taken down. If you try to go to the site it redirects you to the MCA site.

Also, I HEARD that Willa is re-recording her album because MCA rejected it.

While Nick was away in Sweden this past weekend Schmandy was supposed to be looking after his pugs. OBVIOUSLY she didn't do a very good job. This came from the livedaily messageboard:

Unfortunately, two of Nick's pugs are in the pound. They got picked up on Saturday. I don't know if Nick knows it yet or not. They could have been adopted now for all I know. The other pugs and the boxer almost got picked up as well. If there was ever any doubt in my mind as to how neglectful Mandy is, there isn't any doubt now. We were in Florida this weekend, went by Mandy's house, saw two of the pugs and the boxer climbing out from the fence, stopped to play, man drove by, said he called the pound on the dogs already, two of the pugs in his shed, pugs got picked up, remaining dogs had no water, no food, left outside for 2 days, went to store, bought water, pug laid in ditch in mud puddle face down wheezing, sat on Mandy/Nick's driveway for a couple of hours waiting for someone to come home, no one did till LATE that night when we drove back by to check on the dogs.FYI- Pugs have breathing problems and shouldn't be left outside for long periods of time.

For a more detailed version of the story Go Here

Email: bsbluver4ever_2000@yahoo.com