Were you fortunate enough to see Willa screech erghh I mean sing? Send in your reviews!!!

I was ever so fortunate and got to see Willa perform in St.Louis on March 7. She came out and the entire time was yelling at the crowd to get up in that screechy @$$ voice of hers. A few people did get up, to go to the toilet. So she sang like three songs and it was torture. . I swear I was literally cringing when she tried to hit the high notes. It was quite painful. Then to top all that off duriing one of her songs she turned around and "popped". If you don't know what I'm talking about its really hard to explain. Lets just say it was not pretty. It involved seeing Willa's big @$$ on "popping" on the big screen. I won't go to into much detail because it brings back awful flashbacks. But, after she was done I turned to my mom and asked her what she thought. Her reply, "she sucked".