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Popup Makeover and Neato Ideas

Just thought I'd keep track of all the fixing up we have done. Might give other's an idea or two too. I am always open for suggestions, so If you have a great idea on a way to make any improvements better, cheaper, or quicker let me know.


Several of the screens were either missing or in such bad shape, we needed to replace them. As of this time, I have replaced 3. Bought some vinal screen and some jean thread. Cut the screen to size leaving an inch overlap on all sides. Used some invisible thread to put a hem in 3 sides and then tacked them in place. Used the jean thread to sew the screen material in place. When the old screens were removed, they were cut out leaving 1/4in of the original screen sewed in place. I then sewed the new screen on by slipping the curved needle underneath the original screen instead of putting more holes in the canvas. Seems to be very secure.

Canas and vinal repair

The canvas has needed some sewing and I again used Jean thread. Some areas will need to be reinforced and I have purchased a canvas patch kit. Now I only need to find the time. The Vinal window along the back of the trailer had some large cuts/cracks in it. I found a 3M patch tape that is waterproof and flexible. It seems to be working very well. I also used it on some of the holes/tears in the vinal bunkend tops. So far (knock on wood) they haven't leaked. I plan on sealing the holes eventually, but found this a great quick fix and it looks better than the Duct tape the previous owner had used.


All the curtains were missing. This would normally not be a big deal to me on the bunk ends, BUT I have a 12 yr old daughter who refused to change her clothes in front of her siblings, so out curtain shopping I went. I found 4 panels of curtains for $13 at a resale place. I have been cutting them down to fit. I think they will look great. I used a new sew tape that fuses the material together. This seems to be working well to keep the fabric from unraveling. Another plus is that these curtains are so old, they match the time frame the popup was made.
Dish Drainer

I bought a wire shelf to use in my cooler to keep the ice seperated from the food, but found it worked really well as a dish drainer. It fit right over the sink, but wasn't in the way of doing dishes.

Bed Rail

I bought a Portable (collapsable-expandable) bedrail by Saftey First. (Actually, I already had one for home use and found another at a garage sale for $4). In the expanded position, it fit across the top bunk end and in the shortened position, it fits perfectly on the table beds. I recommend rolling a blanket or using a fun noodle (cut to length) to prevent any feet or arms sliding out the bottom edge. When not in use, it fit perfectly in our seat storage area.