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Thought I'd give an explanation for our Popup's name. We have thought and thought about what to name our Popup. Yes, we are crazy, but any self-respected popup owner has to have a name for their Popup. lol We thought and thought. We came up with many different suggestions. The kids thought of Cool Beans (a favorite Hubby expression), but hubby made a comment about if the trailer's a-rocking, don't light a match, so that name was out. lol Then there was the suggestion of Oh Mama! from Johnny Bravo. Again, another hubby expression and we do have a lot of kids, but it just didn't seem to fit either. Another comment was made about how the popup was kind-of like a fishbowl. You know with all the windows un-zipped. Hmmmm we thought and put that suggestion with the all rest of them. While surfing at , I saw these adorable Dumfish and instantly knew our popup had to be called Goldie. Hubby gave me the 'look' when I suggested it, but it fit.

Her sink and stove are orange

and so is her awning.

Goldfish orange!

Of course, Hubby keeps coming up with other suggestions for names and he can keep coming up with them, but she already has a name. :-)


* License plate courtesy of Rt's Blank Plates