Chapter 3


They entered the room and it was magnificent. It wasn’t the hugest room ever but it was still extremely cool. It had a light blue wall paper and a very homey feel. Her eyes wondered around the room, she saw the large bowl of candy and different foods and smiled, there was a counter with his cell phone and two-way and the rest of his essentials. There were a few magazines and comics lying about also. Finally she plucked up the courage to look at Justin himself.

She was staring at Justin’s face intently now watching every movement he made. As he saw that no one was about to speak he got up and said, “Hi you guys, how are you?”

Jeannine stepped up and answered boldly “We’re good and how about you mister I am too fine?”

Justin laughed, this wasn’t a happy laugh it was one of those laughs that you felt had been practised way too often. Coming to think of it his smile seemed rather fake, all you had to do was to look into his eyes to see that something was obviously bothering him. His eyes had that empty look in them the kind of look that told you that a person was missing something in their lives. Seeing as how she had only just met him and had not even spoken to him, so she could just be mistaken as obviously nobody else had noticed.

“hello…hello” she snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a voice that seemed to be directed at her.

“huh, oh….hi” She stuck out her hand and smiled, “I am Louise Johnson, nice to meet you”

He took her hand and smiled, that empty smile again “Hi Louise, I am Justin but I guess you already know that.”

He went round the room introducing himself to everybody. Kate had a look of awe across her face, this was very amusing because Jeannine had been very non-teenybopperish and Kate had just taken over that role of queen teenybopper without noticing. When he reached Kate and saw her face a look of pique took over Justin’s features, it left his face as quickly as it emerged. Justin held out his hand, Kate’s trembling hand met his.

“Hi I’m Justin Timberlake” Kate’s eyes widened “I mean your Justin Timberlake, I am not Justin Timberlake I am Kate and the guy back there told us we could come back here and you are Justin Timberlake and you have really pretty eyes and-”

Justin quite visibly winced at her theatrical display of affection for him. Revvy who was next to her pinched her and said, “Sorry, she is just a fan” Revvy smiled politely.

There was an awkward silence.

“Soooooo, I was told that I am taking you guys to dinner. You ready to go?” Justin said, this was more of a statement than a question. He grabbed his cell phone of the counter and dialled a number


“yeah, sup Mike?”

“we need a car down as soon as possible”

“yeah I am taking them to dinner”

“alright we’ll be there in 15 minutes then”

“you know me too well.”

As Justin was speaking Jeannine took it upon herself to sit down on his couch and make herself comfortable. She picked up one of Justin’s magazines and started flicking through it while humming last night.

He hung up his phone and looked at them “Well we’ll be going in 15 minutes, so tell me about your selves”

Revvy looked at him “what exactly do you want us to say”

Justin looked at him and shrugged “I don’t know, how old are you? Do you go to school? How many members are there in your family? What colour is your toothbrush? Anything, the silence is defining.”

Louise stepped up “Alright well I am 20 years old and I’ve finished school because I was always up by 3 grades, and there are 4 members in my family: my parents, me and my little sister. I have a green toothbrush.”

Tommy took over from her “ 20 years old yesterday, still in school, I have 6 members in my family, 3 sisters. I have a red toothbrush” He rolled his eyes.

Jeannine looked up from her sitting position. “I am 20, 21 in 2 weeks, in school also, 3 members in my family, only child, blue toothbrush and horny as hell….just thought that I’d add that last bit for your information” She winked and returned to reading her magazine.

Kate stammered over to Justin “Well I am 19 I am taking a year off school h-h-have a litt-t-tle brother and I have an Nsync t-t-toothbrush ,that’s about it”

It was now Revvy’s turn “ Well I am 19 and dropped out of school a while ago. I am an orphan, I was dropped on a doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. ..Oh yeah and I have a purple toothbrush.”

Justin looked down, kind of embarrassed at having such a great life.

“Um well, sorry about that”

Revvy laughed he was used to people walking on eggshells around him.

“How bout we start going down to the car so we can go get some grub”


They headed down to the restaurant in a dark limo. They were going to a little Italian place in Daytona Beach as they were in Florida. On the way there Justin had found something that they could all talk about music, and making music. When they got to the restaurant they all got out and the cool night breeze hit them. They hurried into the building. When they were there a male waiter showed them to their table. They sat down and all ordered a drink. The restaurant was small but exclusive. It was almost impossible to get into it, but considering they had THE Justin Timberlake in them it had been no hassle at all. Inside the restaurant it had paintings all over the walls and they looked very expensive. They waited for the waiter to come back to get their orders. 20 minutes passed and he still didn’t come back. By then everyone was extremely annoyed.

Tommy was extremely fed up “ I am fed up with this. Justin sorry but can we just ditch this joint and go to a club or something”

Justin looked at them “you’re under age”

Jeannine grinned evilly “but they don’t know that”

The six young adults got up and headed for the nearest club. It turned out to be quite good. When they walked into the club the heavy bass caught them. They were playing a song by Sean Paul (Dat sexy body/ deport them). Tommy, Revvy and Kate set off to the dance floor immediately in search of dance partners. Jeannine went straight to the bar, she was going to be 21 soon, so she might as well practice handling alcohol for when she was finally legal (that was her excuse). Whereas Justin and Louise headed for the VIP booth.

As they were sitting there Louise looked down at herself

“I wish I would have known we were coming here, I would have worn something much more suited for a club”

Justin looked at her “I think you look fine”

She gave him a one over, he was wearing a pair of black trousers and a black tank top. He had a jacket over the tank top with the sleeves rolled up. He didn’t look bad at all, if she said so herself. Justin saw her check him out and chuckled. She looked up at him and saw that he knew what she was doing, she quickly looked down.

Justin’s mood had improved because he was now in a familiar environment and he had found out from his talk with them in the car that they were really cool people. Despite Kate’s star struck faze he liked them. Louise and him had a couple of vodka’s and spoke about anything that they could think about. It was fun. Justin was actually beginning to grow fond of Louise and vice versa. Louise looked down at the bar and saw Jeannine and Kate having a drinking competition. She looked around the bar and saw lots and lots of girl glancing in Justin’s direction, she just ignored it and supposed that he was immune to it by now. They were truly having a great time when Louise had a sudden urge to pee.

Louise excused herself and went to the bathroom. As she was exiting the bathroom she saw there was an inscription on each cubicle door:

If you sprinkle

While you tinkle

Keep it neat

And wipe the seat

She walked out of the restroom laughing. She wasn’t looking where she was going and with a loud thwack landed right on her backside. She looked beside her to see another woman who must have been headed to the restroom sitting down on the floor rubbing her head. Louise groaned and apologized repeatedly for not looking where she was going. The woman grunted in response and got up with her head held high and pushed into the bathroom.

Slowly she got up and walked back to the VIP booth limping a bit from the fall. As she got there she looked over to the dance floor and saw Jeannine grinding with a fine specimen of man. She was laughing when all of a sudden she fell on to a padded chair. She looked up and in her mind she was thinking I “oh god not again”. There stood Pharell Williams of the Neptunes. He looked down at her with concern on his face “Are you okay?”

“yeah I am fine, thanks for asking though.”

She looked over at Justin who was laughing at her dazed expression. Pharell and Justin were talking and she watched intently what was called ‘male bonding’.

Justin said “Yo man was sup?”

“Ain’t nothing going on?” Pharell replied.

“Where you been, it’s been time since I saw ya”

“Yeah I know I was in Brazil, shooting that new video with Snoop.” he paused “ It was hectic, I mean you’ve got all of these necked women running around every where, what a beautiful sight”

Justin Laughed “I know man, I know.”

“So Justin are you going to introduce me to your gorgeous friend here?”

Justin remembered Louise’s presence in the room, “Oh sorry, Pharell this is Louise. Louise this is Pharell. I met Pharell in this club actually…”

Pharell offered her his hand, and she gladly excepted. He was kind of short but fine none the less. Justin was still jabbering on about something or another but right now she was enthralled in nothing else but Pharell. Wordlessly she led him to the dance floor.

“…and it just clicked…” he was still talking when he noticed them walking away.

“BYE THEN, WHY DON’T YOU LEAVE ME HERE” he called playfully.

Chapter 4