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A little about me

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Slimetime LIVE

That picture is of me and a NFL foot ball player.I forgot his name..I'M SORRY SIR! I'm 15 and I live in Texas. I love Slimetime LIVE! Jonah's the best host :o) just don't tell Dave I said that :o) I love all me friends! Violet is my best friend online. She lives in Netherlands and also LOVES the A*Teens. :o) She has one question for them. Do you like yourself beter w/ or without your stage makeup on? her web site is it's awesome! I like Amit because- He's very cute and is also very nice :o) I like Sara because- She very sweat! Has the most beautiful smile and she'll do nice favors ;o) I like Dhani because- He is very goofy and he's adorable! I like Marie because- She keeps promisses, very pretty and she sparkels! My favorite song is "Don't even know your name" and "Sugar Rush" there both ways for a teen to relate. Have a great day and remember "Slime Rules!" ~Christina Vadal