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Title: Transcript of Aaron Carter Interview on Blue Peter (UK)
Source: Blue Peter
Source: Backstreet Bulletin,
Source: Submitted by Emma Anderson
Date: March 26, 2002
Topic: 2002 Article/Interview

Connie: We've got a bit of a treat for you if you're a film of music buff. Jimmy Neutron (Boy Genius) has been a huge hit in America and it's just been released here.

(Clip of Jimmy Neutron.)

Liz(Voiceover.): It tells the inter-celeste stardial of a super intelligent boy who sets off on a daring rescue mission to battle against evil aliens, save the earth and get back home in time for tea.

Liz: And one of the songs from the soundtrack is of course by 14 year old singer Aaron Carter and he's joing us in our very own inter-galatic world today.

Aaron: (Laughs)

Liz: Hi Aaron, Lovely to see you.

Aaron: How you doin?

Liz: I'm good, I'm good. Tell us, now the film looks very exciting. How did you get involved?

Aaron: Well, uh, they approached me and they asked if I could do a couple of songs, um 3 songs, and we did.

Liz: Good for you. So what's your favourite bit, Can you talk us through that a bit?

Aaron: My favourite bit is when Jimmy Neutrons in the spaceship and he keeps bouncing of the houses.

Liz: Ooh that sounds great. We're gonna have a look at that. Let's have a look at that clip.

(Clip of Jimmy Neutron.)

Liz:(Laughing) That looks quite funny. I love their heads.

Aaron (Laughing) Yeah I know.

Liz: Now Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys and N Sync have also performed a track on the film. And of course your older brother is Nick from Backstreet Boys. Tell us, is there any rivalry between you?

Aaron: There's no rivalry. I mean there is a little bit, uh, when it comes to basketball and sports, but no, not really.

Liz: So just normally, brotherly stuff then?

Aaron: Exactly.

Liz:Not in your singing

Aaron:(Laughing): Yeah.

Liz: Coz your better than him obviously (Laughing)> Anyway, well thanks very much Aaron, um, he'll be staying with us, coz, uh, you're gonna performyour single for us later from he inter-galatic blockbuster.

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