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Title: AOL Chat
Source: American Online
Date: March 3, 2002
Topic: 2002 Article/Interview

Host: Hey, everybody. Welcome to AOL Live. I'm Tina. I'm here with a guy who has an album called `Oh Aaron.' You can see him all month on pay-per-view. You are performing with your almost-as-famous brother. I'm talking about Aaron Carter. Get your questions in. I know your friends online are wanting to ask you stuff. This is Katie: Did anyone inspire your music? Who?

Aaron Carter: My brother. He has been a big one. He has helped me through a lot of bad times and hard times. A person who has been there for me in the long run and I took a lot of time studying is Steve Perry from Journey.

Host: Really?

Aaron Carter: Yeah. He is a big idol.

Host: This is from Lizzie: Do you sing in the shower? What songs do you sing?

Aaron Carter: I sing in the shower, but I don't sing songs. I make up stuff.

Host: Your creative stuff.

Aaron Carter: Exactly.

Host: Abby wants to know what your next album will be like.

Aaron Carter: That is a good question. We are starting out with a ballad. It is a good song. We are not rushing into anything.

Host: You are feeling things out, seeing what works for you? OK. Ashley wants to know: What do you look for in a girl?

Aaron Carter: Personality is the best thing. If they've got personality, I'm happy with that. That is basically the key. You've got to look beyond that, how they treat you, how they treat other people. And a girl who likes sporty and fun things, motorcycles and stuff.

Host: Excellent. Daniel wants to know what you like to do in your spare time.

Aaron Carter: I do everything I possibly can. I usually hang out with my friends, and just hang out and have a good time.

Host: Are you video guy?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I'm just getting into skateboarding.

Host: Maybe we will see you doing that in a video. This is Cuber: Aaron, what one thing do you want to have happen on tour?

Aaron Carter: What one thing do I want to have happen on tour? That is a good question.

Host: If you could have anything happen, what one thing are you dying to have on tour?

Aaron Carter: Have my brother come out. He is going to. He is actually back at the hotel.

Host: Excellent. Do you see him often?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, I see him all the time. This year we haven't seen much of each other, because he is working on his album.

Host: People can see you on pay-per-view?

Aaron Carter: Yes. On pay-per-view.

Host: Jennifer C: I think you are so cool. Are you going to work with Nick in the future?

Aaron Carter: I don't know. We should be working on stuff. We have talked about it. We are going to see what we can do.

Host: You are open with each other. If you wanted to do something, he would go along?

Aaron Carter: My brother and I are very open. We tell everything to each other.

Host: This is from Summer: What is it like to be away from your family so long? That has to be tough.

Aaron Carter: It is not tough. They are on the road with me. That is a bad part. No. It is cool to have them out there with us.

Host: Is it hard to be away from your friends so long?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, but I've got friends out here too.

Host: It is an all-win situation.

Aaron Carter: Exactly.

Host: N2RKSRoxy: I love motocross. Do you race?

Aaron Carter: Yes. I have been racing for about seven years now. Where I used to live -- not where I live now -- in California. In the Santa Barbara area. I used to live there and gather up all my friends and race them. I was like undefeated champion. One time this kid, he beat me, and I got really mad. I was like, oh, that's it. I'm buying the best bike, fastest wheels.

Host: Beth wants to know, how old were you when you started singing?

Aaron Carter: Six years old.

Host: How old are you now?

Aaron Carter: I'm 14. I have been doing it eight years.

Host: How long was your brother singing before you?

Aaron Carter: My brother has been singing -- he is 22. He has been singing since he was 11.

Host: You have been around music your entire life?

Aaron Carter: Yeah. My dad is the one who actually got me into Journey.

Host: Leave it to dad. This is from Lamar Sister: Who would you like to record a duet with?

Aaron Carter: A duet with? That is a good question. Probably Janet Jackson or -- she has been a big influence in my life. Like Michael Jackson. He has been a big influence in my life. Anybody out there.

Host: You are very much with the fans.

Aaron Carter: You've got to understand, the fans make the people.

Host: Right.

Aaron Carter: The fans make the people.

Host: That is what is so funny in your song `Oh Aaron' -- you are talking with your friends.

Aaron Carter: Exactly.

Host: That is hysterical. Sherry wants to know how you get your moves. "PS: All the girls are crazy for you."

Aaron Carter: Well, I get my moves mostly from Brian Friedman. He worked for Britney Spears. I get it from him. I mean, I have had numerous choreographers. Most of it has been done by Lonnie Parker.

Host: Luca wants to know your favorite place you have visited on tour, and you are still on tour?

Aaron Carter: Exactly. Probably San Francisco.

Host: Cool place.

Aaron Carter: Audience was great, and I had a great time out there.

Host: So everybody in San Francisco, he loves your sound. Seana says: What is it like to be famous, and does your family hit you up for cash?

Aaron Carter: Hit me up for cash? I get an allowance. I get $245 a week.

Host: I think I got five or 10 bucks a week.

Aaron Carter: Oh, shut up.

Host: You work hard for it. I don't think it is a situation where your family is asking for too much money from you.

Aaron Carter: No.

Host: Jen: Do you have any singing tips?

Aaron Carter: Jen, what's up, Jen? The best tip is set your mind, your goals, and keep on practicing. Keep on trying. Your day will come. And, you know, some people think they have to change their music along with the music changing. But, you know, you don't always have to do that. There is a lot of changing going on right now, and I'm doing OK.

Host: You play instruments.

Aaron Carter: Yeah.

Host: You are multitalented.

Aaron Carter: Actually, the instrument I play most often is drums.

Host: Really? OK. True blue 87: What do you do when you get spring fever?

Aaron Carter: I wait for one of my friends to pop up.

Host: When you get spring fever, you get antsy, you have been touring and want to do something normal.

Aaron Carter: I'm always doing something that regular kids do.

Host: Right.

Aaron Carter: I mean, I'm always skateboarding or riding a scooter or playing video games.

Host: Is there something specific you like to do if things get stressful and you want to take a break?

Aaron Carter: Yeah. That has happened before. There have been times where I'm working so hard, the next day I'll be all right, and I'll be like, I can't believe it was like that. Never really.

Host: This is from Joey Po 689: What is your favorite food?

Aaron Carter: If I haven't'd eaten in about two days, anything. Probably pizza -- I swear to God, all the time.

Host: I had some before I came to see you, in honor of you.

Aaron Carter: Exactly. Thank you.

Host: No problem. This is AaronCartersGal8: Would you ever date a fan?

Aaron Carter: If she was crazy. Yeah. Why not?

Host: It is kind of cool to have people with screen names like Aaron's Gal?

Aaron Carter: Oh, my gosh.

Host: This is from Isaac: Do you have to go to school?

Aaron Carter: I do I have a tutor named Jaime. My friends are probably cracking up. We pick on him all the time. We mess around with him a lot. He is cool. We do an hour and a half a day.

Host: You torture your tutor?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, he is a bad boy.

Host: OK. Let's see if I can get this one... AHugNKiss4NSYNC: Hey, Aaron, I was wondering what you would wish for if a genie granted you three wishes.

Aaron Carter: World peace.

Host: This is tough.

Aaron Carter: To be president of the United States.

Host: Really?

Aaron Carter: Yes. And to have the fastest speedboat in the world.

Host: Excellent. President of the United States. Do you have goals for later on? Do you plan on singing forever, or would you like to do other stuff?

Aaron Carter: A big dream of mine is to study marine life. I can't wait to pursue that.

Host: Excellent. Very good. OK. This is from, let's see, Angel 2002: I was wondering if you are ever going act. I want to say you are a great performer.

Aaron Carter: Thank you very much. I am going to act. We haven't decided yet. It is still open.

Host: Do you get a lot of people that inquire as to whether you would be interested?

Aaron Carter: Yeah, there's a lot -- I mean, we've been looking around for a while. I actually had an offer for a movie called `Doom.' It is a cool script. I don't want to ruin my singing career. I don't want to stop.

Host: These days, you can do it all.

Aaron Carter: Exactly. Anything is possible.

Host: This is CaliGirl1477: How do you feel about the competition with *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys?

Aaron Carter: There is no competition for the Backstreet Boys. They are an icon. They are a role model. They started with New Kids on the Block. Backstreet Boys started the boy groups -- everybody is copying off of them. They started everything.

Host: I don't think there is anybody who doesn't know who the Backstreet Boys are. They have great music --

Aaron Carter: They have great music for all different audiences. They are great.

Host: Even if you weren't related to a Backstreet Boy, would you still have the same feelings?

Aaron Carter: I don't know. I don't think so. The reason I -- I have known the guys -- I met them before he did.

Host: You did?

Aaron Carter: It is kind of weird how it happened. My mom was bringing me -- they were going to a meeting to meet everybody, and I got to meet them all first, before he did. I was only 3 years old. They were like -- they have all been like big brothers to me. They helped me start my career.

Host: You are a little brother to all of them?

Aaron Carter: Exactly.

Host: What is your favorite track? Mine is `Oh Aaron.'

Aaron Carter: Probably -- that's a good question. I like them all. Probably `Break My Stride.'

Host: All right. This is from Christy68: Would you consider yourself a big flirt?

Aaron Carter: Oh, my gosh. Yes. If anybody knows me, you know I'm the biggest flirt in the world.

Host: Are you? I guess you have a lot of people to flirt with these days.

Aaron Carter: Lots of them. I like them all.

Host: This is from Chris6870: Do you like to go online? Are you on the computer, e-mailing and chat-rooming?

Aaron Carter: Yes, I am. I have a Mobile Communicator. It is cool. I'm always on.

Host: Do you go in chat rooms and talk with people?

Aaron Carter: I go in chat rooms and watch what they say. You guys are idiots. Man, what are you talking about? You are talking about hot dogs and stuff. Come on.

Host: What rooms are you going into?

Aaron Carter: Chat now -- talk to everybody, see what they are up to.

Host: Do you tell people who you are?

Aaron Carter: No, I have my profile, and nobody knows who I am.

Host: This is AaronsGirl8: When does your summer tour start? He's got me all flustered, girls.

Aaron Carter: Well, my summer tour starts in the beginning of the summer, school break. We are going to be doing it all summer.

Host: This is from Patricia: Did you enjoy doing the soundtrack for `Jimmy Neutron'?

Aaron Carter: It was great.

Host: That is history. Kids will be watching that forever.

Aaron Carter: That is great. I'm so happy. That is cool.

Host: Are you going to try to do different soundtracks?

Aaron Carter: We are going to be doing soundtracks. And movies.

Host: Maybe a little bit of both. This is GoGirl: My question is, do you ever get nervous doing shows, even though you are so used to doing them now? Do you get stage fright?

Aaron Carter: I like getting stage fright. The only time you perform to your best ability is when you have stage fright, because, you know, you can -- you feel nervous, you put more effort into it.

Host: Sure.

Aaron Carter: You know, if you are nervous, you to a better show.

Host: You do your own back flips?

Aaron Carter: I do my own back flips.

Host: This is SkyFlyer: What is your favorite sport?

Aaron Carter: My favorite sport is motocross. I do it every day when I'm home.

Host: This is XOCuteBabyOX: I know Dream Street is touring with you. Do you hang out with them?

Aaron Carter: Dream Street, not really. They are cool guys and everything, but they are usually doing their own thing.

Host: You've got a lot going on. You don't have a lot of time to hang out on tour. Here is PleaseEMailMeAaron: Hi, Aaron. I'm Cheryl. You have tons of older fans, even an Aaron's older admirer. How do you feel about older teens and young women drooling all over you?

Aaron Carter: Well, old fans, like 15, 16...

Host: That is not old.

Aaron Carter: That is not old, old. Like you.

Host: Thanks, pal. Appreciate that.

Aaron Carter: Like the older teen fans are like 19, 20. That is cool.

Host: Does your mom worry about the older girls?

Aaron Carter: Yeah. But I'm like, mom, chill.

Host: LoveYouBoy: You have love songs. Are there any about one particular girl?

Aaron Carter: Well, `I'm All About You.' It wasn't written for her, but I put feeling into it for her, this girl, Nicky, I was seeing at the time. Nicole. She lives in New Jersey, I think. She was cool. We had like a breakup. I sang that song for her.

Host: Here is LightBlue29: Do you have a girlfriend now? I love you, Aaron.

Aaron Carter: As of right now, I do not have a girlfriend. I'm very single.

Host: OK. There you have it, ladies. He is single. How long do you go without a girlfriend? You are in a different city every week, so let's face it, you are meeting a lot of girls.

Aaron Carter: Sometimes two to three weeks.

Host: Oh, gosh. This is Suki11787: When is your next album coming out?

Aaron Carter: We're working on it right now.

Host: Do you have any idea when it will be released?

Aaron Carter: We are definitely putting new stuff in there.

Host: You have a little ethnic flavor in the one you're doing now. Are you going to mix any feels?

Aaron Carter: Well, not a lot. I'm changing some things.

Host: What the fans want, you are going to give it to them. Here is SaintCCSarah: What is your favorite CD of all time?

Aaron Carter: The CD I play nonstop -- I can play Journey nonstop. It has to be with Jonathan Kane.

Host: You are going to start this new Journey thing.

Aaron Carter: It has to be with him.

Host: So you would recommend that highly to your fans.

Aaron Carter: Go buy it.

Host: Here is PickChild77: Aaron, do you still want to be a marine biologist?

Aaron Carter: Yes.

Host: Obviously you have talked about this before. Your fans know this.

Aaron Carter: Exactly. It is a big dream in my life. I always wanted to do it. Definitely. Big dream.

Host: Oh, my gosh. My puppy.

Aaron Carter: This is my doggie.

Host: Oh, my goodness. Who is this?

Aaron Carter: This is Tequila. I just got her. She is a shih tsu.

Host: Why Tequila?

Aaron Carter: Because my best friend as a dog named Kahlua.

Host: Do you take her with you on tour?

Aaron Carter: Yes.

Host: So you are an animal fan?

Aaron Carter: Yes, I am.

Host: What made you decide to get a puppy?

Aaron Carter: My mom promised me a doggie. She is really tired right now.

Host: I bet she is. Let her lay down there with you, and we're going to take some more questions. This is EBay: I wonder if you get sick all the interviews you have to go through?

Aaron Carter: Sometimes it gets hard. Talking to fans is great. This is great right here, just to hear what they've got say.

Host: You have to do a lot of interviews. The morning shows.

Aaron Carter: It is fun, though. I have a good time.

Host: OK. This is JingJiang: I love your show. I noticed you are doing more singing, less rapping. Is that the direction you want to take?

Aaron Carter: Actually, it is. I want to do more singing for a while, but I have been collaborating with rappers. I usually do rap and the chorus and I sing that part.

Host: This is from SkiPeak3: What is your wildest fan experience?

Aaron Carter: Wildest fan experience? Hmm. Well, about two years ago in Germany, we were traveling from one city to another. The fans were surrounding the bus. They were jumping all over it, writing things and throwing paint on it, crazy stuff. It was crazy. We eventually got on the highway, on the autobahn. We thought everybody was gone. There was a fan holding onto the back of the bus. We stopped at a gas station -- I was walking around, looking at the writing on the side -- I look over, and I see this girl. She looked at me, and she goes... I went, whoa. She was screaming about me in German. I ran away. It was pretty scary.

Host: Wow. You have some serious, hard-core fans. Look how precious this one is. This is KatieBaby417: Aaron, who does your hair?

Aaron Carter: Who does my hair? My dad, right now. I'm coming in Eminem style. I usually do my hair and my sister.

Host: OK. All right. Poor baby. This is your last question. This is from BlueEyed87Angel: What are your plans for the future?

Aaron Carter: My plans for the future? My plans for the future are to stay focused, you know, keep a motivation going on. You know, keep motivated. Actually, that is a goal for everybody. Everybody needs to keep motivated and set their mind to their goals. Work on my next album and get everybody back in the spirit of the music, and tour. Hopefully everything will go great.

Host: Very good. All right, everybody, that is the time we have for Aaron and his adorable Tequila. You can check him out on pay-per- view -- Feb. 16, it started. Very good. Thanks so much.

Aaron Carter: All right.

Host: Tune into AOL Live. We'll see you soon.

PopPrincessJana: Thanks, everyone!

MrLiveGuy: Great questions, everyone!

PopPrincessJana: Check out Aaron on his tour and listen to his latest CD, 'Oh Aaron.'

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